I have the privilege of being a pastor of a church community in which many struggle with serious mental illness. I have the further privilege of getting to know these folks in such a way that I call them friends. Over the last 7 years my heart has ached many times as I've listened to their stories and the struggles they face in daily life because of their psychosis, schizophrenia or bi-polar etc etc.
As a pastor, I began asking myself and others the question, "what does it look like for someone with such severe mental illness to be a disciple of Jesus?" I still don't have a perfect answer to that.
But, what I have been doing, and asking our elders, and others to do is PRAY. Specifically to pray that those with mental illness would know Jesus, and hear from Jesus in a way that surpasses their mental issues. That "deep would cry to deep", and the Spirit of the Father would cry out deep within those whose minds do not allow them the same privilege of thought that you and I have.
It is amazing to see God answering these prayers.
One example came this weekend. A woman from one of the group homes in town shared a vision that she had. She explained that in the vision she was in a forest and she felt confused, and "awkward". But then she saw that Jesus was in the forest with her and she explained that even though she still felt confused she had a calmness and peace come over her.
As I listened, it was like she was explaining a picture that described her life. Though I am not sure exactly what her illness is, she has some severe deficiencies when it comes to her mental capabilities. She can be a bit awkward, and easily gets confused (yet she is one of the most bubbly and beautiful people you'll ever meet!). She is not someone who will be able to explain to you the gospel in terms that many of us are taught. She can't quote a bunch of scripture, she probably doesn't even know what a disciple is--yet, she is one. Of that I am confident. Jesus is with her, guiding her, giving her peace and assuring her that she is a child of God.
I have learned over the years that many who can give all the right answers often are not much in the way of a disciple of Jesus--yet many who are simple and cannot give the "right answers" have a deep relationship with Jesus that is as beautiful as it is simple.