Is there really anything more important than that which happens on the practical line? You can hold to a philosophy, religion, theology or ideology with the utmost of conviction, but of what good is it unless it changes the practical reality?
Speaking from the perspective of faith, should not a true belief in something change the practical? James said as much when he said “a faith” that does not produce works is useless and dead; if it does not affect the practical line of one’s life, of what use is it really—and further is the claim of faith even sincere? It would seem the sincerity of one’s faith or belief is not measured by their emotional conviction, or arguments in defence of their belief, but rather by what that belief produces on the practical line.
So let me ask you: How practical is your faith?
Does it change not just your convictions, but your actions? Is it changing your life day to day? Is it changing the reality of lives around you day to day?
Too often following Christ becomes a theoretical exercise, rather than a practical one. We theorize on what Christ has done and could do if only…if only what? If only we would live our faith out on a practical line. What good is what could be done, unless we see it done—is it not all just an empty promise unless it moves from the theoretical to the practical? Of what affect is a message that Christ has set us free if it is delivered by those shackled in chains like Marley’s Ghost from a Christmas Carol? Does not the theoretical at some point become laughable if it never becomes practical? If our faith does not affect the practical line of our lives do we really have any right to speak of what value our faith holds?
Finally, if prior arguments are not enough we have only to look at how practical of a line Christ took in securing our salvation. Jesus did not accomplish salvation from afar but by coming into the midst of humanity in the most practical way possible—becoming human Himself! His teaching, and proclamation that in Him the Kingdom of Heaven is breaking out on earth was accompanied by miracles and healings that brought the effects of the Kingdom into peoples’ lives in the most practical of senses. And if that was not enough, on the Cross we witness an act that changed human history forever—not theoretically but in the most practical manner possible. Sin and death, which held humanity captive was once and for defeated by the death and resurrection of Jesus. There is nothing more practical than what the Life Christ offers—it was never meant for the theoretical sphere, but always for the intensely practical purpose of changing the nature and reality of human life today and for eternity.
Again—how practical is your faith?
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