Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Being Straightforward...

"...they were not straightforward about the Truth of the Gospel."  (Galatians 2:14)

This critique came because Paul observed that Peter and some others were making concessions in order not to offend or get a "bad name" with the "Circumcision"--aka Jewish Christians.

Previous to this statement Paul speaks of the need to live to please God rather than to please man--in fact he goes so far as to say "If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." (Gal 1:10b)  

I was speaking about this to a friend with whom I am reading Galatians with.  I confessed how easy it is to begin to aim to please people, rather than please God.  We can so easily not think much about it--Just like Peter did not think much about retreating from the Gentiles to eat only with the Jews.

We will often justify our actions (or lack thereof)  with a statement like:  "well I just didn't want to offend anyone".  I understand this sentiment, yet I think that it is often a dangerous one that is overused in order to excuse us from being "uncomfortable".

I am not one who desires to offend for no reason, but I also know that the Bible says that the Gospel IS offensive to many, even an aroma of death (see 2 Cor 2:16).  Because of this we read things like what Paul writes to Timothy: "Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ will be persecuted." (2 Tim 3:12).  Again, I am not seeking persecution for the sake of being persecuted; yet I wonder how often I downright avoid even the smallest discomfort that the gospel might cause, by not being as straightforward as I ought to be?

I admit this is a difficult tension.  I do not think that Christians should seek to needlessly offend people in our world.  We are told to: "Conduct yourselves with wisdom towards outsiders, while making the most of every opportunity.  Let your speech always be with grace..." (Col 4:5-6)  Surely this excludes many offensive and tactless approaches that are used to "evangelize" today...however it also calls out the passive Christian who does nothing "so as not to offend"---for surely this is not making the most of every opportunity.

We must make the most of every breath we have on this earth-- remember that Paul says "the gospel is the power of God for salvation" (Rom 1:16).  For this reason we cannot afford to be ashamed of it; we must speak straightforwardly about the Gospel of Christ and Him Crucified.

If you are like me, you perhaps have failed on both sides of the equation--at times offending because you were insensitive and did not speak with grace; while at other times missing an opportunity to share the Truth and Grace of the Gospel because instead of being straightforward you were shy or fearful of what reaction might come.  The tension is a difficult one--it requires wisdom and discernment.  It requires we love God enough to care only for His approval; and that we love others enough to risk their disapproval of us by being straightforward with the Truth of the Gospel.

If you follow Jesus, I pray that you would walk and talk with boldness and confidence--always holding out the Truth and Love of the Gospel as you fix your eyes on Jesus.

If you do not follow Jesus, I pray that you would find the life and freedom in Christ that is not available anywhere else.  He died to set humanity free from Sin and Death, truly He is the only way.  Repent, turn to Jesus and put your faith in Him and He will give you "life and life to the full" (Jn 10:10)


  1. I like this one a lot Kellen. I try to live this out every day, wherever God takes me. For this reason, I had a 'fish' tattooed on the inside of left wrist and a cross tattooed on the inside of my write wrist last summer. I don't teach any more so I don't have a classroom/forum. The symbols on my wrists start conversations wherever I go and thus begins my opportunity to witness. Cindy Woudstra I am not a robot!!!

  2. Thanks Cindy! Thanks for sharing a little bit about how you are seeking to live this out! That's a very literal way of making your faith visible!


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