Tuesday, May 14, 2013

No easy answers to tragedy like this...

Like many of you, my heart is heavy, and my head is swirling with thoughts of sorrow, anger and many other things upon hearing the news of Tim Bosma's death --- I cannot even imagine the pain of his family!

Here are some thoughts that I hope will help us all work through some of these thoughts and feelings...

Upon hearing the news that Tim Bosma has been found dead a friend of mine posted the following on her facebook status:  (I have left explicit wording for it conveys the raw emotion)

"why the fuck would I want to live in a world where people feel justified killing a guy for his truck."

I gotta be honest that my heart resonates with her sentiment.  My heart breaks for the Bosma family, and in my gut a rage bubbles--longing to lash out and condemn.  But a still small voice within whispers --"Lord have mercy"

The words of Jesus ring as clear as bells in my mind -- "pray for those who persecute..."  (Matthew 5:44)
And the words of Paul in Romans 12 --"bless and do not curse...weep with those who weep...never pay back evil for evil...never take your own revenge...leave room for the wrath of God."

Everything in my flesh wants to do the opposite of the words of Jesus and Paul.  And if this world was all that I lived for then I think I would go with the desires of my flesh in this case.  But there is hidden truth in the status of my friends facebook post -- We are not meant for THIS world.

We are not meant for a world where the life of a young husband and father is robbed of him by others.
We are not meant for a world where "stuff" somehow has become of more worth to some than human life.
We are not meant for a world ruled by sin, sickness, tragedy and death.

But here is the thing---WE ARE IN THIS WORLD.  So what do we do?
Throw up our hands and give up?
 Rage and lash out repaying evil with evil?
 Or is there redemption to be had?  Is there peace?  Is there healing?  Can we be people of redemption and healing even in the face of such senseless violence and evil?

Here is the thing to remember -- Jesus came INTO THIS WORLD for the very purpose of redeeming it.  He did not abandon this world to its sin and decay.  He did not simply judge and repay all the evil we deserved.  Instead He came here to rescue us from the sin that has taken hold of all of us.  He did this not with the power of a warrior or an avenger -- He did it with the love and mercy of a sacrificial lover--He gave up Himself to bring life and healing to our messed up, broken and sinful world.  We need His love to guide our response to things such as this...

In the face of such events "pat answers" don't do us much good.  We need to wrestle, we need to be honest, we need to cope with all the feelings and thoughts that are swirling in our heads and hearts.  But as you wrestle I encourage you to pray; even if you don't feel at all like praying.
 There are a few things in particular to pray for:

--Pray for the Bosma family
--Pray for Jesus to give you peace through His Spirit
--Pray for mercy for the killers ---yes I mean this---and yes I know this is hard--Let the Holy Spirit soften your heart--as you pray trust that God is just and He will deal with the sin of this world better than we ever can.

Father in Heaven wrap your arms of love around Tim Bosma's little girl today!
Holy Spirit comfort and sustain Tim's dear wife and family!
Jesus give us hearts that break like yours -- I confess this does not come naturally -- Have mercy on this world.  Even on those who carried out this act -- Lord have mercy, may they know the grace and redemption that only you can give.
Lord as we all wrestle with living in a world that has gone so off the rails in so many ways-- show us Your way -- may those who follow Jesus show this world your Grace and Truth.  Bring healing in Jesus Name.  Amen.


  1. Wonderfully "spoken" Kellen. Thanks!

  2. Thanks Kellen for bringing some sense to all of this and putting into words so well, what many of us are not able to vocalize. May God indeed wrap His arms around Tim's little girl, his wife, his parents and the extended family as they wrestle through all of this.

  3. Thanks Kellen. It helps.

  4. This is beautifully written, Kellen and puts into words how many of us are feeling today. Would you mind if I linked it on my blog?


  5. Hi Deborah,
    thanks for the comment...

    Please feel free to link it on your blog or anywhere else.

    be blessed,

  6. Kellen,thanks for your well written words.

  7. A very helpful and thought provoking book to read at a time like this is Where Is God When It Hurts? by Philip Yancey. He does not give platitudes or unthoughtful answers, but really wrestles with the problem.

  8. if you really want to make a difference, donate to his family at TD Bank. It will soften the blow, even though it is just money,it will raise the bar against tiranny, and help with bringing those to justice and provide comfort from this world in which they reside now

    1. Agreed that donating money is also a great thing to do...and I'd strongly encourage it!

      for any wanting to do so here is the info on how you can:

      1. Log on to your bank website and send an Interact e-transfer to inmemoryoftimbosma@gmail.com.
      2. Make a direct deposit to TD Canada Trust account number 2047-6332096.
      3. Make a donation to the Tim Bosma fund at any TD Canada Trust branch.

  9. Yes, very well said.We must keep our eyes on The Lord during these most difficult times, even though that is sometimes hard to do.

    1. Thanks for the reminder Cheryl --- I have been reminded of the simple need to ABIDE in Jesus many times through this week--truly only He can bear the good fruit through us.

  10. Yes, tragic. I am praying and crying and overwhelmed. It's so easy to imagine myself in the place of this wife.

    I remember when my sister wasn't a believer and she and her husband to be went to pre-marriage counseling with the pastor they had chosen to do their ceremony. She came home outraged over this fact... If she (a 'good' person) would not get to heaven if she didn't confess Christ, but a convicted serial killer would go if he confessed on his death bed, she just couldn't understand this God. Those of us who have given our lives to Christ fully get that it's not just about words. If someone truly repents it is the most beautiful and amazing of miracles. I am praying for the killer. What better way to bring healing to the young family than to know that husband/dad did not die in vain but was an instrument for life. Just imagine the grace and mercy reunion of these two men in paradise. Yes, I'm praying.

    Blessings, Debbie

    1. Yes God's grace doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to our logic sometimes does it? But once we experience His grace we know how desperately we all need it! Thanks for sharing Debbie--and more so thank-you for joining many of us in praying for this family and this situation!


Thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts! We all grow and learn best as we share things together!