Friday, June 7, 2013

Leave a bit behind

Lev 19:9 --"do not reap to the very edges of the field..."

Verses like this too often get dismissed as simply not relevant for us who live in 2013.  However as I have been thinking a lot the last little while about the Rhythms of work and rest this verse is becoming more and more relevant to me.

The heart behind this command by God is that He wants to make sure that the poor and needy of the land are taken care of.  So he tells the people--leave some things behind; don't take everything for yourself.

In a world that tells us to "get all you can for yourself" this is a life-altering idea.  It is telling us that God desires that we NOT get all that we can for ourselves so that others are taken care of and He is glorified!

The question is--what does it look like to leave a bit behind today?  That's a question each must answer for themselves....but here is an example:

 What might it look like for a business owner to "leave a bit behind"?

Would it mean working a few less hours a week in order to give back to the community by volunteering?
Or maybe it would mean taking a bit less profit for himself by making it a rule that his business gives away a percentage of all the profit they take in?
Sound crazy?  Maybe it is, but imagine how awesome it would be if Christian businesses started setting such an example!

So my question for you is how can YOU leave a bit behind?

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