John 1:5
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not over come it."
At times the world can seem as if all light has gone out,
only smoldering wicks, and puffs of smoke remain,
bearing witness to light we thought so secure and comforting
swallowed by what now seems an impenetrable gulf of darkness.
We are are smoldering wicks, puffs of smoke magnifying darkness.
In moments of pain, sickness and loss
the gulf somehow seems to grow
In stories of tragedy, abuse and neglect
the darkness seems to our wicks smolder, the smoke puffs
Look into the eyes of
the lonely
the broken
the hungry
the left out and forgotten.
DARK...even the smoke has long past.
But look deeper. Deeper into the gulf, penetrate the impenetrable dark with a steady gaze.
you will see a shimmer like a fish turning in a current
a flash, like a lantern swaying deep within a forest.
It grows brighter, stronger...closer to your gaze.
Light begins to illumine dark caverns once thought to be painted the deepest of black
revealing colours of hope & Life jumping forth out of the crevasses long ignored.
The light is like breath of Life to these stale forgotten caves
Darkness flees with the speed of a gale forced wind, the Light ever on its tail
Light is overcoming, ever brighter, richer, fuller.
Darkness will not over come
In the Light there is
Hope, Breath, Healing, Beauty, Redemption and Restoration
In the Light is LIFE.
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