Thursday, October 2, 2014

Walking Around NAKED!

Would you knowingly walk out your door in the morning without any clothes on?

Even the boldest of us probably will answer that question--NO!  Putting on clothing is such a natural habit of our morning that most of us can't imagine forgetting to put on clothes and walking into our day without them.

Yet, many of us who love Jesus, walk into our days without Jesus.

In his letter to the Romans Paul says:  "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ..."  (Rom 13:14)

It's such a simple statement we often just gloss over it without much thought.  But what if you made "putting on Jesus" as much of a morning habit as putting on clothes?

What might that look like? -- perhaps you can even combine it with actually getting dressed:

-As you put on a shirt remember:  "He has clothed me with garments of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness!"  (Isaiah 61:10)  You are a new creation, filled and clothed with the very righteousness of Christ!  O what an amazing gift!  BE who He has created you to BE.

-As you put on your socks or shoes remember:  "how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"  (Rom 10:15)  Commit to being a "bringer of good news" today!

-As you pull your pants up:  "Gird up your loins and arise, and speak to them all which I command you.  Do not be dismayed before them..."  (Jeremiah 1:17)  Go into your day with confidence!  You have the Spirit of the Living God within you--do not be nervous or afraid to let Him have control of you today!

As you glance in the mirror before leaving the house PRAY:  O Father lead me in the train of Your robe, for I am one of the captives that You have set free and are leading to salvation!  May I display your glory as plainly today as the clothes I am wearing!

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