I've been using an meditation app to help me find more focused meditation and times of quiet. For 10 minutes it helps me focus my mind and body. I have found it quite useful as often my "quiet times" lack times of actual listening and quiet. I read, journal, "pray to" ... but often in the busyness of MY doing, I fail to just stop and let God speak, or simply just be still in His presence.
Today, as I focused on my breathing...and was told to count my breath in and out as I naturally breathe I heard the Spirit begin to speak. He simply said that He was the breath I breathed in, and every breath I breathed out He was flowing out.
So, I did something silly.
I thought well if the Spirit is the breath I want to just take the deepest breath I possibly can! So I breathed in and in and in and in....until I couldn't....I sorta felt like I was going to pass out.
It got me thinking about how we treat our "spiritual life", in comparison to how God wants it to be.
Sometimes our spiritual life is a bunch of detached moments of "big gulps" of air....which we then hold in while we go about life and can come up for another big gulp of something spiritual.
But that's not how natural breathing works. While there was more air for me to gulp in...I could not because I lacked the capacity. Likewise, holding my breath in is not good either--It causes me to quickly tire and live quite frantically. (Like the feeling of holding your breath for as long as you can under water...in those last few moments before popping up to the surface your chest is burning and and the body screaming for air!) I feel like that's how we live life sometimes.
But here is what God wants: He wants us to breathe naturally. Every single breath in and out is to be 'spiritual'...so that there is no divide between the "normal" and the "spiritual". God wants to be constantly filling us, and moving through us in the most natural of ways. He wants us to experience more than just "big gulps" of His life every so often--He wants to be as natural a part of our lives as breathing is.
So today, I'm going to try be more conscious that the Spirit is breathing in and out of me in the natural rhythms of my life. I am going to remember that I don't need to frantically live in my strength until the next "big gulp"...because He is breathing in and out with every breath that I take!
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