Monday, December 15, 2008

A Struggle, yet Victory...

I am not saying anything new to any of you when I say that human life is full of struggle. All of us to some degree share the same struggles....and all of us to some degree have particular areas that we seem to struggle with more than others.
Can we in this life, escape these struggles?

I wish I could tell you yes...but that would be a lie. A lie that unfortunately is too often spoken in the name of Christ. The fact is that those of us who follow Christ find that struggles remain.

So is it hopeless? Thankfully, no. Though we struggle, we have been promised Freedom...Victory has been accomplished...but battles remain.

So how do we approach the struggles that face us in life? What about when we fail to live in Freedom and Victory...and live by flesh instead? (bible language for living for our own selfish desires)
I was hit by a couple verses in the book of Micah tonight...Micah 7:8-9
"Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me. I will bear the indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against him, until he pleads my cause and executes judgement for me."
There are some amazing truths in this passage:
1-If you are a follower of Christ you are free from the guilt that the enemy tries to lay on you (even when you mess up)--"Rejoice not over me, O my enemy"
2-that even when we fall, we will rise...even in darkness, God will be light to us---as followers of Christ we are IN Christ and he is IN us...he IS light, HE will lift us up.
3-our cause has been plead, and judgement executed on our behalf--Jesus pleads for us, and judgement was executed on him on our behalf! Because of this, we truly have Freedom, and Victory!
These are truths we need to take hold of, and live by. To live by the life that Christ has given live in the Freedom we have IN Christ! Without Christ, there is no rising, no light...and we are left to bear the Lords indignation on our own...without Christ, the struggle truly is hopeless; if you find yourself without Christ right now, don't continue without him for a moment more.

Worship and Loyalty

It has been a long time since I have posted anything....things have been busy...and my thoughtfulness has gone other places...Here is something from a book I am reading that has really hit me though; I think it's a great reminder and challenge for all of us. It comes from the book "The Throne, the Lamb, and the Dragon" by Paul Spilsbury. (a former prof of mine)

"Worship is the appropriate response to God: wholehearted, awe-inspired, loving worship. In fact, Revelation implies it is the only authentic response. For in worship we rightly acknowledge the awesomeness of God and our total dependence on him. But worship is expressed in more than just songs or prayers; it is expressed in loyalty. Revelation speaks of a great battle between the One who sits on the throne and the dragon who aspires to that position himself. Revelation calls us to think deeply about what it means to be loyal to the One on the throne, even though the world seems dead-set against believing that he even exists. It challenges us to count the cost of being associated with God and his ways of working in the world--and the consequences of not being associated with God's great purposes for the history of the world."
-(Spilsbury, p.63)
Some questions that jump out from this:
-What does it mean to be "loyal" to God as an act of worship?
-Have you given thought to who God is, and what he desires from you?
-What are the costs of being associated with God and his ways...and what are the costs of NOT being associated with God's great purpose? Have you considered the costs?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Where does your strength come from?

I've been reading in Daniel lately and Chapter 10 has to be one of my favourites! In it we see an incredible Christophany (an appearance of Christ before his Incarnation)...

Listen to how Daniel describes what he sees:
"His body was like beryl, his face like the appearance of lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a multitude." (10:6)
Yikes! Imagine seeing someone like that...What would be your reaction?
Here is Daniels:
" strength was left in me. My radiant appearance was fearfully changed and I retained no strength...I feel on my face in deep sleep with my face to the ground."
Later Daniel even says "pains have come upon me and I retain no strength remains in me, and no breath is left in me."

Basically Daniel is took every ounce of strength out of the point of death to be in the presence of Christ...even so, we are told that just to stand in his presence Daniel needed to be lifted up, and strengthed. Strengthened with a different kind of strength.

Here is my point to all of this....First go read Daniel chapter 10 to actually see what I'm yakking about....But the thing that hits me is this: So many of us go for so long...many their whole lives living on our own strength. We can do it, we are pretty incredible creatures. However to live on our own strength alone is to live a life that is only a miniscule fragment of what we are meant for.

Daniel was weakened incredibly by simply being in the presence of Christ...BUT...he was strengthened beyond what he had ever known by Christ. This is what we need! We need to abandon ourselves to God completely; to let him take all our "so called" strength, and give us new life, in Christ.

1 Cor 1:25 says: "For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength."

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Culture..."Christians" why are you so scared!?

I am going to have to be careful not to rant in this post...(I have read it over and concluded that I have failed at not ranting)

If there is one thing in this world that makes me laugh, and my blood boil all at the same time it is this INSANE fear of culture that so many "Christians" have. (I say this as a Pastor, and follower of Christ myself)

Why do "Christians" fear ideas that differ from theirs? "they" would say...."we don't want to be corrupted" interpretation: "They don't realize the amazing gift that Christ has given them!!!"

They see culture as the "enemy"....that's ludicrous...We are ALL a part of this society and therefore a part of CULTURE! God never said "fear culture"....He said fear God fear God is the beginning of all wisdom!

They will say: "We are to be separate and not have a part of culture"....I say: "You are wrong, we are not to have a part of the "fruitless deeds of darkness"...the deeds! The evil that is in our culture, that is what we are not to have a part of....NOT culture and society itself!

They will refute and say: "But culture has so much evil in it; why even get close" I say: Because Christ has set me FREE from sin so that I may bring light into the darkness (which means I must go into it's midst.."expose them (the evil deeds)" And if you will separate yourself from "culture" for that reason, then you must do the same in all aspects of life that may have "evil" in them....Last I looked...even in Christian communities...within local churches, there is evil...Why have you not separated yourself from that? Within our own bodies, the flesh still exercises power...what will you do with that? The only answer for any of that is CHRIST HIMSELF...

Yet...they shun culture...therefore witholding the very thing that can free those who most need Christ!

They that fear culture, place their fear in the wrong place...and do not understand rightly the amazing gift, and therefore the amazing call that God has on their lives!

Paul made clear in Ephesians that our battle is NOT against flesh and's not against culture, or's against the evil which is so prevelant around us.

Those who refuse to engage culture are selfish; they may try to take a high and mighty stance; but it is see through, and disgusting! How can you have the amazing, abundant life of Christ within you and NOT go running into the middle of our culture that God has put us in proclaiming that there is Truth, and there is Freedom, and there is Salvation! (...I convict myself as well with this last statement, because I could and should do even more) Don't take the self righteous stance of "shunning culture"...This was not the practice of Jesus, nor of his followers...why should it be ours now?!

If you have Christ in you, you have Truth, and Life, and the ONLY way to God! You have nothing to fear in this world because Christ himself has defeated it! "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light!" (Eph 5:8) Culture is NOT our enemy, it is our reality in this physical world, you are not meant to escape it...Christ wants to transform it!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Just made my first video...


What is your purpose in life?

Simple question right? Or is it?

Is "purpose" different than "goals"? I think so...yet how so?

The question of purpose has been on my mind a lot the last little while...Where does purpose come from? Is it different for each person? Can someone truly be without purpose?

I might just ask questions the rest of this entry, because the more I think about it the more it makes me wonder...

I think when people talk about their purpose in life it is usually talked about in terms of what they feel "they need to do"; what they need to get accomplished. Does this mean that we are defined simply by our drive to "do things"? If so, what happens when those things are interrupted, or cut off all together? Do we cease to have purpose simply because our drive to do things is gone, or because we feel there is just nothing for us to do?....

Or is purpose something deeper within all of us...something that is ALWAYS there regardless of whether or not it is acted upon...Something placed within us when we were created...

Purpose must be part of must be within us, at the core of who we are...but I think we often miss that fact.....We define "purpose" by our "goals"...goals that WE set. But as I said...what happens when those goals change...or seem to disappear completely? Do we cease to have purpose...if so, why continue? What a hopeless thing to be defined simply by the perishable things we pursue!! Yet, this is how we often define ourselves...and granted, it works for least for a time...but if your purpose is completely tied up in the perishable things of this world...what happens when those things cease, and your spirit is left?

What if your purpose is deep within, and always has been from your first breath...or even before??! What if you were created for something so much more than things that perish?! The Bible tells us that we were "created in God's image"....unfortunately, we messed that up with Sin...BUT that never changed the purpose for why you and I were created...we were created to know God, to reflect God....and he made sure that was still possible by sending Jesus...

Eternal Purpose is within you...but it is only made alive through he life of Christ...Purpose is yours today if you choose it...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

great song...random video (I can't wait til Christmas!)

Relient K - Sleigh Ride from gotee on Vimeo.

Otium Sanctum

"Otium Sanctum" is latin for "holy leisure" Fathers put a great emphasis on "Otium Sanctum"...on the ability to be at peace in the midst of what often is a turbulent reality.

Perhaps more so in the last few days then ever before in my life do I feel the need for "holy leisure"...for peace in the midst of a world that seems to spin faster every moment. Often I think we just want to escape from the turbulence; to stop our lives from spinning any faster; but we can't can we? Life continues to spin...there is really very little in our lives that we have control of...and even those things we control, we usually just mess up. So what do we do? We can't escape, we can't we must endure.

The Bible talks about endurance a lot...We are never promised a turbulence free life (quite the opposite in fact)...BUT...we are promised peace in the midst of it. Jesus in John 14:27 says: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
This peace that Christ gives, is found ONLY in Christ's the same peace that Paul says "surpasses all understanding" (Phil 4:7) And notice Jesus didn't say you will have no troubles and no reason to be afraid....but what he is saying is that even when trouble comes, you have his peace which will be in you through the midst of it.

If you have the life of Christ in you...NOTHING can seperate you from Him, and the peace that he gives.

Holy leisure can be yours in Christ...

Monday, November 17, 2008 are of incredible worth

Life is fragile...Sometimes it doesn't make sense... I think that all of us wonder at times, if anyone really cares at all...

I think there are a lot of people who feel hopeless at times in this life...who struggle with a sense of worth. Who search for hope, and they seek something that will give their life worth, but don't find it. It is a heartbreaking journey to look for hope, and never find long for worth, and just feel unworthy...

I was reading in the book of James today...and a verse really caught my eye which speaks of our incredible worth to God. It's an interesting little verse that may be hard to understand, but it holds an incredible truth
James 1:18 says: "Of his own will he (God) brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures."

James says that God made us as the "firstfruits" of his creatures....This might not seem to mean much, but if you look at how the Bible talks about "firstfruits" this little statement holds an incredible truth for all of us!

"Firstfruits" were the best of the best, which were to be set aside for God. So what James is really saying here is that you and I are made specially for God! Beyond ALL that God has created, he made us specially for himself! What greater worth could we be given, than to be the "firstfruits" for God.

However, firstfruits are meant for God...When God told his people to give him their firstfruits, it was a sign that all they had was from God, and he deserved the best of the best. When his people did not give Him the firstfruits, it was as if they were saying to God, "We don't need you..." I think this is what so many in our society are saying to God. We don't realize that God made us for himself.

You're search for worth, and for hope can only find fullfilment when you give yourself back to God through Christ...You were made for Him...You are the firstfruits of all creation!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Like wine? this video!

Gary Vaynerchuk (Vay-ner-chuk) is someone I have been watching a lot of the last month...As some of you may know I enjoy learning about wine--Gary is the main source for most of that knowledge. He is the Operater of "Wine Library" in New Jersey, and releases a "wine tasting/education program" 5 times a week online. Want to learn more about wine, and really enjoy wine...without becoming a "wine snob" some of Gary.

Best quote from this video--"It's like you ripped the heart out of a Panda no, that's bad, out of a Grizzly Bear that was trying to hurt your family!"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Remember the cost of Freedom

I've been reminded throughout the day as the sharp point of my poppy has stabbed me in the chest numerous times that today is a day to remember. We live in an incredible Country! We have freedom which we may never have had if it were not for the lives that were given up by countless men and women in war. They fought for freedom, they died for freedom...For the freedom of their families, and their beloved country. Today we remember those men and women.

Yet I ask you to think about another kind of Freedom...Gal 5:1 says "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free..." What did Christ set you free from? He set you free from sin, and the consequence of sin, death. He set you and I free so that we may live in Freedom, freedom to "have life and have it to the full" (Jn 10:10). This freedom came free to us, much like our freedom in this country...but it cost another dearly. Jesus gave us freedom, by giving up his life on the Cross, and conquering death by rising on the third day...

Today--remember what Christ did for you on that Cross...If you have never really considered what Christ did, think about it today...Ask questions about it today--He offers you a freedom that is so much more than anything you could ever imagine.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Athiesm and Feminism addressed by Ravi Zacharias

People often question the attitude that Christianity has towards this video to hear an excellent response to such concerns...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

too much confidence in our own intelligence...

John Calvin once wrote: "Man with all his shrewdness is as stupid about understanding by himself the mysteries of God, as an ass is incapable of understanding musical harmony."

Why is it then that followers of Christ, and leaders within the church think that we can somehow lead others in a manner that is based primarily on human means??! God has surely blessed us with intelligence and logic; however I find that so often, intelligence and our own logic is used as an excuse to NOT follow God. Why do we see the body of Christ in such a weak state in Canada? Where is the healing, the miracles, the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus talks about in Acts???! Could it be that we have tried to do things by our own intelligence... 2 Cor 5:7 says: "Walk by FAITH NOT BY SIGHT." How can we walk by faith when our eyes are more focused on the things that WE THINK are in the way (lack of money, need for better "structure" etc.) and we give more attention to our own intelligence than to the Spirit of Christ within us?

If we think that our intelligence, and human ideas can accomplish the call that Christ has given us, we might as well sit an ass down at a piano and expect it to play Mozart...Or better yet, since we seemingly have so much confidence in ourselves we might as well try play Mozart with our own ass....It's an absurd suggestion, I know...So why don't we get it? Why don't we truly listen for the Spirit...why don't we step out in faith, risk it all for the sake of Christ??

"There is no worse screen to block out the Spirit than confidence in our own intelligence."--J. Calvin

Friday, November 7, 2008

Leaky Plumbing...

My plumbing was backed up, and now it's leaking...and yes I am talking about our houses plumbing! Before you stop reading right here because you really don't care about my plumbling problems, there is a bit of a point to this.
You see, our house is over 100 years old...a lot has been replaced, but some of the original stuff still remains. In the case of some of the plumbing, it's about half and half. This made for a frusterating morning for me. A simple 5 min job turned into a 45min job and it's still not how it should be. WHY? because someone tried to join old parts with new parts, that don't really fit all that well together.

I think we try to do this in life a lot. I want a little bit of this and a little bit of that and we try bring it all together to make it fit nicely; but I think we usually find that this way of doing things doesn't really work. As a pastor I see this a lot in peoples spiritual pursuits in life. They want to just "add" a little bit of "religion" or "spirituality" to their lives. Unfortunately this doesn't really work. The problem is, we need total replacement, not just a little fix up. This is why the Bible tells us that we need to be a "new creation" (2Cor 5:17). The old has to be completely replaced with the new...not just patched up.

My patch up job on the plumbing is a temporary's not a long term solution. In your spiritual journey, do you have the long term in mind, or are you simply looking for a "quick fix"? As Dr. Phil says: "How's that working for ya?"

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What was the point of the coming of Jesus??

Have you ever wondered...what's so special about Jesus? If Jesus is God as His followers claim, why did God have to become human??

Erwin Mcmanus tells a simple story that sums up the basics...

"I once met a girl named Kim, and I fell in love. I pursued her with my love and pursued her with my love until I felt my love had captured her heart. So I asked her to be my wife, and she said no.
I was unrelenting and asked her again, pursuing her with my love and I pursued her with my love until she said yes. I did not send my brother, nor did I send a friend. for in issues of love, you must go yourself.
This is the story of God: he pursues you with his love and pursues you with his love, and you have perhaps not said yes. And even if you reject his love, he pursues you ever still. It was not enough to send an angel or prophet or any other, for in issues of love, you must go yourself. And so God has come.
This is the story of Jesus, that God has walked among us and he pursues us with his love. He is very familiar with rejection but is undeterred. And he is here even now, still pursuing you with his love."

Sunday, November 2, 2008


“He has also set eternity in the hearts of men…” Ecc. 3:11

Is there any question that life has more to it than simply meets the eye? I think if we all honestly reflect on life there is something within us that tells us that there is something more…something beyond the physical.
If life is more than what meets the eye, how are we to fathom it; we can’t even make sense of all that we see with our physical eyes! My eyes take in some pretty amazing things everyday…The beauty of nature, the uniqueness of people, the knowledge of fellow humans written down. Go a little deeper, or should I say further, with our physical eye and it is truly mind-boggling. The complexity of the human body, the vastness of the oceans, and the seemingly infinite expanse of the universe…It’s all bigger and more complex than we can even comprehend!
Yet, as if that is not enough, there is something within me that says there is something more, something unseen, beyond the physical…something spiritual. If in fact this is true, that you and I are spirit, and there is a whole other realm to life; what is the consequence for us of that fact. Does the spiritual remain, and continue…is it “eternal”?? Is that possible? Is there a higher Spiritual Being, beyond us…Is it possible to know that Being?

Jesus says yes—Jesus tells us that through him we can know God…He tells us that true life is found in the spiritual, beyond the physical. (Jn 6:63) He tells us that Life is found in Him!

What does your heart tell you? Is there eternity within you? Is there an Infinite existence beyond the physical? Is Jesus the way to that Infinite existence?
Does thinking about this sorta freak you out…excite you?
Questions well worth asking I’d say…I’d love to read your thoughts.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Why blog....why...?

As I set up this blog, I was thinking to myself, "Do I really want to do this? Why create a blog?" The truth is, I have enough to keep me busy without posting things online for the whole world to see if they so desire. But this very question "WHY?" is the reason behind starting into the blogging world once again.

As I reflect on life, and things I see around me, and things I read I am constantly questioning, and constantly evaluating my life, my beliefs, and how I live...My hope is that this blog will be a place that will cause those who read some of the entries to ask "WHY?" (and what, and who, and so on). I hope this will be a place that will allow us all to wrestle and interact with each other about the things in life we all face...particularly that big question...."WHY?"

Why are we here, why continue, why get up every morning, why do anything?
That's my question for us all...think about it, Why do you do what you do everyday? What's motivating you?

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