Friday, November 7, 2008

Leaky Plumbing...

My plumbing was backed up, and now it's leaking...and yes I am talking about our houses plumbing! Before you stop reading right here because you really don't care about my plumbling problems, there is a bit of a point to this.
You see, our house is over 100 years old...a lot has been replaced, but some of the original stuff still remains. In the case of some of the plumbing, it's about half and half. This made for a frusterating morning for me. A simple 5 min job turned into a 45min job and it's still not how it should be. WHY? because someone tried to join old parts with new parts, that don't really fit all that well together.

I think we try to do this in life a lot. I want a little bit of this and a little bit of that and we try bring it all together to make it fit nicely; but I think we usually find that this way of doing things doesn't really work. As a pastor I see this a lot in peoples spiritual pursuits in life. They want to just "add" a little bit of "religion" or "spirituality" to their lives. Unfortunately this doesn't really work. The problem is, we need total replacement, not just a little fix up. This is why the Bible tells us that we need to be a "new creation" (2Cor 5:17). The old has to be completely replaced with the new...not just patched up.

My patch up job on the plumbing is a temporary's not a long term solution. In your spiritual journey, do you have the long term in mind, or are you simply looking for a "quick fix"? As Dr. Phil says: "How's that working for ya?"

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