John Calvin once wrote: "Man with all his shrewdness is as stupid about understanding by himself the mysteries of God, as an ass is incapable of understanding musical harmony."
Why is it then that followers of Christ, and leaders within the church think that we can somehow lead others in a manner that is based primarily on human means??! God has surely blessed us with intelligence and logic; however I find that so often, intelligence and our own logic is used as an excuse to NOT follow God. Why do we see the body of Christ in such a weak state in Canada? Where is the healing, the miracles, the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus talks about in Acts???! Could it be that we have tried to do things by our own intelligence... 2 Cor 5:7 says: "Walk by FAITH NOT BY SIGHT." How can we walk by faith when our eyes are more focused on the things that WE THINK are in the way (lack of money, need for better "structure" etc.) and we give more attention to our own intelligence than to the Spirit of Christ within us?
If we think that our intelligence, and human ideas can accomplish the call that Christ has given us, we might as well sit an ass down at a piano and expect it to play Mozart...Or better yet, since we seemingly have so much confidence in ourselves we might as well try play Mozart with our own ass....It's an absurd suggestion, I know...So why don't we get it? Why don't we truly listen for the Spirit...why don't we step out in faith, risk it all for the sake of Christ??
"There is no worse screen to block out the Spirit than confidence in our own intelligence."--J. Calvin
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