Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Faith Supplement...

Are you ever astonished at how little faith in Jesus seems to effect people who claim to have it?

Are you ever astonished at how little your OWN life is effected by faith in Jesus?

If so perhaps you need to "supplement your faith..."  (2 Peter 1:5)

Peter lists the following characteristics as those that we ought to supplement our faith with--reflect on these and ask yourself the follow questions:

Virtue: speaks to our behaviour--virtuous behavior is that which is morally excellent.  For a Christian they are behaviours that reflect "faith, hope and love" as they are found ultimately in Christ.  Does your faith in Christ produce behaviour that reflects Him?

Knowledge: This is more than just knowing facts--but knowing Christ and his ways in a deeper way.  To grow in knowledge, regardless of the field, takes discipline and work.  Are you pursuing to know Christ and His ways more?

Self-Control: If pursuing Christ requires discipline, then surely self-control will be one of those disciplines!  Self-Control is actually "Spirit-Control"--not to follow the ways of the flesh, but rather the ways of the Spirit.   Who controls your "self"---the flesh or the Spirit?

Steadfastness: Simply put this means to be "fixed" on something or someone.  Hebrews 12:2 tells us to "fix our eyes on Jesus..."  because he is the Author and Perfecter (finisher) of our faith!  Who or what are you fixed on--what holds your gaze these days?

Godliness:  The Greek word for godliness literally means "worship well".  Worshiping well requires a God-ward focus in ALL that we do.  Have you considered that every aspect of your life is to be an act and attitude of worship toward God--do you live accordingly?

Brotherly Affection:  In a healthy sibling relationship, siblings stand together and would do most anything to care for each other.  This is basically the idea of this kind of love that Peter speaks of.  How are your caring for people around you--specifically those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Love: More specifically the love of Christ--a love that goes beyond all human expectations!  A selfless and self-giving love.  When is the last time that you have loved simply to bless another with what Christ has given you?

After this list Peter says:
...IF these qualities are yours and ever increasing they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Are these qualities yours?  Are they ever increasing?
May the blessings of Christ be yours and multiply His blessings in and through you to others!

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