Thursday, November 29, 2012

I wish I cried more...

I don't cry enough...

I'm not meaning crying over "spilled milk"; but crying because my heart is breaking, my soul is longing, and my spirit is distressed.

Psalm 119:136 says: "My eyes shed streams of tears, because people do not keep Your law."

I love that David was so distressed that people did not obey God that he wept for them!

Too often instead of weeping over people's disobedience to God, I apathetically shrug and think "what can I do?"

Instead of being distressed over the captivity of peoples' minds to Satan--I am tempted to react with arguments and condemnation, in order to "prove them wrong".

I want to cry more!  I want to weep and cry out to God over the lost of this world!  I want to see Truth and Justice reign over what now lays broken and ruined!

We all need to cry more, we need to pray more, we need to love more...

Start with this question:  (answer it in a comment below if you feel so led)

What in this world distresses you or breaks your heart the most these days?  
 -Will you commit to cry out to God for this thing/people?  Will you seek to love them?  Will you ask God to break your heart even more--so that His love and grace overflows through you?


  1. i must admit that when i weep it is often for my "lost children and their spouses".... where a gut cry just comes out and you feel helpless and you just WANT God to reach out to them... and you weep so hard your throat hurts and your eyes don't stop leaking and your nose run.... its messy. You should try it sometime!

  2. Thanks for sharing!
    I could not think of much better of a thing to weep over!
    I join you in praying as I type this that the Father would draw your family to Jesus!

  3. I cry over every child that is having trouble at school and we all struggle to make enough time to understand and help each of these children. I cry over family as well. But most of all I cry for the lack of love & empathy in this world. <3

  4. Thanks for the reminder of those children!
    Your heart reminds me of the way Jesus cared for children and told his discples to not hinder children from coming to him!
    May we have the same heart of love and empathy!


Thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts! We all grow and learn best as we share things together!