When Jesus taught His disciples to pray he told them to begin with:
"Our Father..."
What an amazing way to be able to address the Creator of the universe. One who is Holy beyond our comprehension! Think about that!
I've only been a Dad for less than 3 months as I write this--yet the experience already has given me insight into the Fatherhood of God that I had never known before other than perhaps on an intellectual level.
When Adelaide was only a few days old, I was holding her and just staring at her (it's amazing how long you can just sit and stare at your child!). But as I sat there I was overwhelmed with the feeling both of love and responsibility.
I remember thinking how easy it would be to die for Adelaide if ever it came to that. I also remember thinking how desperately I wanted the very best for her...and reflecting and feeling very aware of my short-comings and my inability to accomplish the very best for her!
Then I thought about our Heavenly Father. He wants the very best for us. He loved us so much that He willingly gave His only Son to give us the very best. As the Psalmist says: "His arm was not shortened"; in other words He is able to accomplish whatever he desires and wills.
His desire is that we would know Him; for He IS the very best. He has no shortcomings; He not only saves us from Sin, but invites us to know Him with the intimacy of a child knowing their Father!
If you ever wondered about God's love for you--be assured that His love is unending, His desire is that you would have the very best through His Son!
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