This is something I'd love to hear your thoughts on--How should local churches spend the money they receive?
As I've been reading in the OT and in the Gospels the last number of months, it again becomes so obvious that God requires that His people give Him the best of what they have. In money, sacrifices etc. It also is obvious that as God's people it is expected that we are to care for the poor and the needy.
These are not new ideas to me--and they are ones I have grappled with regarding how I spend my money personally. However, there is a growing sense within me that local churches often do not handle money in the way they should. What do you think? Please take a moment and answer a few of these questions:
What should be the top priority for local churches in regards to what they spend money on?
--for example: salaries, buildings, the poor, missions work, evangelism, admin....other?
What would you like to see your local church do better in regards to how they communicate about what they spend money on?
--for example: discuss the budget with the congregation more; have "the numbers" available more easily...etc
Would how a local church spends money effect how you gave of your own money?
Should a church "tithe" (give 10% off the top) to another Christian community or church?
Is there a specific cause or organization that YOU would love to see your church give to? Why?
i agree that some money needs to go to pay for the mortgage and salaries but not to the extent that we see today with luxurious church buildings. our pastors should receive a fair salary so that they can devote themselves to what pastors do. i strongly beleive that the church body should be supporting the "poor and widows", not with money only but with teaching on how to manage money well, how to save for rainy days, etc. too often churches think its the government's responsibility to care for the poor. personally i love giving wherever the Lord shows me, not necessarily all on the offering plate either.
ReplyDeletegreat point that it takes more than just money & that we as Christians should have an open hand to meeting needs around us -- not just through tithing!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
Good Day
ReplyDeleteSalaries and Bildng maintenance are give me when it comes to monthly giveings.
Our Pastors need to eat and we need a gathering place right?
This costs and Jesus said "give onto Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar"
So there are life expences.
But with what is left?
I feel that outreach withen ones community is the most effetctive means to a new beggining for the lost in a lost world.
I once went out and showed 2 pictures to children in our community 1 of Ronald McDonald and one of Jesus.
90% of the kids reconized Ronald McDonald and had no idea who Jesus was.But there was great interest!
So we need to be out there spreading the good news in various events and in diferent medias to reach out to the lost right here in our own community.
Money from the church should be used mainly for helping and decipleing in ones community.
Local evengelism is key to a healthy community:)
Thank you for your time.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jacques! You make some great points!
ReplyDeleteI think you have struck the tension I wrestle with--how do we make sure our priority is helping the needy and making disciples (in regards to what we spend money on) ... while taking care of the expenses that are as you say a given? (in our current model of doing things at least)
Is there a case to be made for setting aside a certain amount off the top for "kingdom priorities" and then dealing with expenses after? (Trusting that if we seek first the Kingdom with our money--God will take care of the rest)