The "these" this verse refers to is the creation that we observe in the heavens and on the earth. A profound statement about who God is when you consider how little we really know about our own universe or even the earth that we live on.
There are some different numbers out there, but it seems safe to say that humans of only EXPLORED less than 5% of the waters on our own earth. In that 5% we don't yet understand much of what we are seeing and discovering. And there is yet 95% of the waters that we have not even explored! WOW!
If that is the case with the water on our own earth -- imagine how minuscule the amount of the galaxy we live in has been explored -- not to mention the billions of galaxies of our universe!
Are you starting to feel "small" yet? I do.
Yet in the book of Job, which many consider the oldest book of the Bible--and which probably found its setting around 2200-1800 BC--we are told that all of this, which can cause us to stand in such wonder is just a HINT of who God is. WOW!
Look out your window --- or better yet go for a hike today through the snow. Look at the sun beam through the snow covered branches, listen for the birds chirping, stare off into the sky tonight, try count the stars--imagine the wonders this universe holds...and then consider--these are just whispers from God of how great and marvelous He is!
Let His creation turn your attention to Him the Creator -- be silent, listen, for His Spirit is whispering.
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