Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The unpopular topic of SIN

"...Jesus our Lord, who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification."
(Paul's letter to the Romans, Chapter 4, verses 24b-35)

Sin is not something we like to talk about much...especially not our own...but I invite you to take a few moments to ponder our sin and think about Jesus ...

It was our sin that laid Jesus low
Our sin jingled in the bag of silver that bought Judas' betrayal
Our sin flickered in the torches of the garden mob which led Jesus to the High Priest in darkness
Our sin was on the lips of Peter as he denied knowing Jesus
not once
not twice
but utterly and completely, cursing as he distanced himself from Jesus.

Our sin could be heard among the cries of "Crucify! Crucify!"
Our sin added strength to the whip that tore through His flesh
Our sin bore extra thorns on the crown pressing into His brow
Our sin was the hammer that drove the nails through His hands and feet
Our sin suffocated the breath of life from the Giver of Life
Our sin was heavier than the darkness from which Jesus cried:

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani!
(my God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?)

Alone in the darkness--our sin bore the greatest weight in the darkness of that afternoon.
Our sin was blacker than the darkness of the tomb in which he was laid.

What good could ever come from such an account of our sin?  What devastating results sin has wrought!

Yet in the darkness of that tomb, if you listen, you can hear a faint whisper...
"O sin what has happened to thy sting?  O death, where is thy victory?"

In the darkness of that tomb New Life began to stir
No tomb could hold back this Life
Death could not hold Him...sin would not have the victory!
Life burst forth...the stone of sin and death rolled back from the tomb.

New Life arose
There is victory...there is Life for all in Jesus
For he took our sin
he took our death which we all will inevitably face
But he proved that death could not hold Him, and it will not hold those who are in Him.
So come to Jesus, receive the Life that He has already claimed for you!

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