Content or Complacent -- these two words are similar; yet display a radically different attitude.
Complacent: "Showing a smug satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements"
Content: "A state of satisfaction, peaceful happiness"
Paul said he "learned to be content no matter what the circumstances..." Later he says this is because he looks to the "One who gives him strength" --- JESUS is the source of contentment no matter whether he is well fed or hungry. This is contentment, and this is good.
However, Proverbs says: "the complacency of fools will destroy them" (Prov 1:32b)
I've heard Christians use the word "contentment" to describe their satisfaction with their current experience of Jesus -- and they almost display a disdain toward the idea of longing for more than what we currently know of Jesus. This is not contentment -- this is complacency.
Jesus did not set us free from sin, and fill us with His Spirit so that we could be complacent with the bare minimum of who He is. Rather, He is a ever-flowing spring of life, an infinitely deep well of Love and He intends that our life would be spent going ever deeper into who He is, growing ever more confident in His grace.
There is a deep end to Jesus--deeper than any ocean depth. It is ok to begin your journey in the shallows; but it is lazy complacency to remain there--the shallows is NOT the place of contentment--true contentment is experienced as we dive into the depths of Jesus and we realize that all else besides Him is worthless!
Be content in all circumstances because you are ever growing more in love with Jesus. But never allow yourself to be complacent, as if you have arrived and are experiencing all that Christ has for you--I assure you there is more! Look always to the One who gives MORE than we can ask or imagine!
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