This is a good practice...BUT... if all we do is give up something; we are missing the point of Lent (or any fasting) -- the point is not just what you give up (in fact that should not be your focus); the point is what you seek to GAIN!
Simply put--Lent is about seeking JESUS. We fast from things that crowd Him out, or distract us from Him, or that by going without will remind us to focus on Him.
But instead of just telling you to "focus on Jesus", I want to offer some practical advice as to how you can make your "giving up" of something into an opportunity to GAIN so much more of Jesus!
It starts with our FOCUS.
Do NOT focus on your fast -- focus on JESUS. If you are giving up sweets; don't spend your whole day lamenting that you are going without and sharing with everyone who will listen how much you are missing sugar. To do so is to have the opposite effect that the fast ought to have. In fact Jesus warns us in Matthew 6 to make sure that we DON'T let people know when we are fasting but to instead carry on as we would most other days as far as outward appearance is concerned (Matthew 6:16-18) Remember that JESUS is your focus -- it is HIS approval we seek, not each others!
So focus on Jesus, not on the thing you are fasting from, and especially not on the reactions of others.
Secondly, REPLACE what you have given up with the BEST.
In other words, don't just give something up and leave a void--fill the void with JESUS.
Here are some examples of what that might look like:
If you gave up tv or facebook: During the time you would have been watching tv or on facebook take time to pray and read the Bible. Instead of filling your mind with the stuff of our world--fill it with the Word of Jesus! (Imagine if all the time you spent on tv/facebook was spent getting to know Jesus!! How much better would you know Jesus at the end of 40 days!?)
If you gave up sweets or something like alcohol: Take the money you would normally spend on sweets or alcohol in 40 days and GIVE IT AWAY!
Additionally--every time you start craving that thing you gave up let it remind you to thank Jesus that He is more than enough and learn through these 40 days to depend on Jesus more and more.
These are just a couple examples -- but hopefully they give you an idea of how you can not just give something up, but GAIN something so much more.
I would love to hear what you are giving up for Lent, and what your plan is for getting to know Jesus better during the next 40 days!
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