Many who read that word and these names will have varying reactions...for some it's confusion, for some it's very strong feelings about progress, for others there is fear of the unknown, and for others there is a sense of sorrow.
Many will also make their opinion of me depending where I land regarding this issue -- If I hold the "wrong view" some will call me a bigot and heartless.
So let me begin by saying, I have sat personally with those who were in the midst of "transition" and spoke to them about my love for them, Jesus' love for them and expressed the willingness to journey through the decisions ahead with them. I've looked into the eyes of those who call themselves transgender, and I've listened to the confusion and hurt that they've expressed--my heart has broken for them in those moments--the torment they have expressed to me is real. That being the case -- I not only sympathize but have great compassion on those who experience this torment--including Bruce Jenner. But that being the case--you may find it surprising that I believe Bruce Jenner has moved further from finding his "true identity" rather than closer.
Therefore I am not, and will not celebrate with the masses about Bruce Jenner. Not because I have anything against him--but because I long for him, along with all people to discover an identity that is true, and life-giving. He, nor any of us will find that identity through any sort of change or manipulation that we try create in our own lives. (whether that be sexual, moral etc)
I am not writing this to argue about the feelings of the transgender or gay community; I acknowledge openly that I believe their feelings to be very real and so in that sense very TRUE! Just as I acknowledge openly that many men experience feelings of lust for many women -- they are very real and very true. The question is are they right and therefore to be acted upon. Or if you don't like the idea of "right and wrong" applied to this scenario let me put it this way -- Is acting upon those true feelings and desires ultimately beneficial to a human being finding true fulfillment in life?
If the goal of human life is ultimately meaningless beyond a string of "in the moment experiences" that ultimately amount to nothing but death -- one might be able to argue for acting upon those feelings or desires. But what if there is more? And what if our feelings and desires don't always lead us "rightly"? What if the lure of instant gratification actually forfeits our longing for true identity and purpose?
If human life is not meaningless--these are questions worth entertaining--and if you are entertaining them the best answers I know of are found in the story of the Bible, and in the perfect love that God offers ALL humans by His grace through Jesus.
Let me give you a quick glimpse at the story -- if your heart goes out to someone like Bruce Jenner and his search for identity--so does mine! -- Read the following with an open heart.
God created us out of His perfect love, to know and receive His perfect love in relationship
In creating humans He created us male and female, IN HIS IMAGE (gender is important! We were created to perfectly compliment the other! Women with their own beauty, gifts and needs. Men with their own beauty? ;), gifts, and needs) When we distort gender, we are distorting part of God's design for us. But beyond just the gender issue is the issue of being "in God's image" -- in short this means that God meant OUR identity to reflect HIS identity -- so that not only would we as humans know His perfect love--but that through us His love would be reflected and communicated to all creation!
So why are so many humans (all humans!!!) longing for an identity where we are secure, loved and find meaning? Short answer: SIN. As humans we have all turned to other means other than God's love to try fulfill and live our lives. God lets us go our own way for he gave a free will; He does not force us to love Him. But the result of leaving Him who gives us identity through His perfect love is that now we all struggle with a longing at the core of who we are--a longing for love, and longing for identity. --- and despite all our attempts to "find a new identity" -- even going to the length of sexual surgery for some -- we are not finding what we are looking for ...
The abridged version of the story is--this is where JESUS enters the picture of our lives.
Jesus is God's answer to rescue us from our own choices, and the sin and death we find ourselves bound in so that once again we can experience the love of God and the Identity that He gives.
Jesus came into our midst -- a human like us--experiencing the same feelings and struggles, but by nature fully God and able to rescue us from sin, and free us from its outcome, death.
The Good News about Jesus speaks to the longing of Bruce Jenner to find an identity that "fits". Jesus is the answer to the longing that is in every human heart to know and experience a life of love and meaning. Jesus offers us a New Identity -- one in which we are made righteous (that is--our identity is 'put right'); the Identity we were created to bear but despite all our efforts we could never find.
The really Good News is -- Jesus loves you, He love Bruce Jenner -- yes He loves even Caitlyn Jenner, None is outside of Jesus' love -- He offers you His love today, He calls for you to stop striving for an identity that you will never find on your own; He calls for us to repent of (turn away from) those strivings which only lead us further from Him, and instead accept His grace and forgiveness.
You may come to this point and say -- Kellen you didn't really deal with the "transgender" issue --I know. That is a discussion that needs to be had openly with humble hearts all around--preferably in person. What I know however is the longing of the human heart for love...and what I further know is that all our attempts to find a love that ultimately fulfills us falls painfully short of our hearts longing--because our hearts were created for One Perfect and unconditional love -- that is the love of God -- that love is what Jesus offers to all of us. That is the love He is offering to you right now.
Further discussion is welcomed --I'd love to listen and I'd love to pray for and with any of you -- but my preference is to sit face to face--so feel free to send me a message!
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