Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Don't interrupt me Jesus!

"...And they asked Him (Jesus) to leave their region."  (Matthew 8:34)

Jesus had just set free 2 men from debilitating demon possession.  And the people of the region knew it!  But they also knew that a whole herd of pigs were lost in the process.  A herd of pigs was a lot of "money"...important to the livelihood of those who owned and farmed them.  But what's a herd of pigs in comparison to the freedom of 2 men?  It seems, the cost was too much--they told Jesus to go.

Before we judge the people of this region--we ought to stop and examine our own hearts.  How do we react to Jesus when He interrupts or displaces our lives?

Just prior to this story a couple people who had been following Jesus around came to Him and OFFERED to follow Him -- Jesus' response was basically "Are you willing to have your life interrupted and displaced?"  (foxes have holes but I don't...let the dead bury their own dead)

The fact is we NEED our lives interrupted by Jesus.  We NEED our priorities and pursuits displaced by Jesus.  The question is will we invite Him to do so -- Or will we send Him out of the regions of our lives that we'd just rather keep control over---Thanks for offering Jesus, but no thanks!

I can't tell you what those areas are for you...but here are some common ones to start with examining in your own life:


Lord Jesus--Interrupt our lives!  Displace us so that we would be better placed within the Life you give us.  Cast out the fear that comes up within us when we thinking of giving up control and help us to loosen our grip and trust you more everyday!


  1. Replies
    1. amen Ron -- you are a great example of the good work that God accomplishes in a life that was interrupted in some very difficult ways! Thanks for the great example of the Good News of Jesus that you are!


Thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts! We all grow and learn best as we share things together!