It doesn't seem like anything too messy or scandalous. In fact many Christians are familiar that Jesus is from the Tribe of Judah -- "the Lion from the Tribe of Judah!"...But I think often we think of the tribe of Judah as this royal, pure lineage unlike any other. In fact it is far from it!
This line in the genealogy recalls a messy and twisted story.
In short it begins with Judah seeing a Canaanite woman (Shua) as he is visiting his Adullamite friend Hirah. As Genesis 38 tells us: "He took her and went in to her..." psst -- yes it's exactly as it sounds! Not exactly a picture of chivalry and romance!
From Shua Judah has 3 sons -- His firstborn Er is given to Tamar (from the genealogy of Jesus) --But Er was wicked in the sight of God and is put to death (we don't know what or why exactly). But as tradition went in that day, his younger brother Onan had a duty "to go into his brothers wife" so that his brothers lineage could continue. Well, Onan did not like the idea of producing a child that wouldn't be his, so Genesis tells us he did what was considered wicked and "wasted his semen on the ground"...and subsequently he also was put to death. (I can't make this stuff up!)
Fast forward -- Judah promised his third son to Tamar but never got around to it...So Tamar is basically abandoned by Judah so years later she takes things into her own hands -- she pretends to be a prostitute, and lures her own father-in-law (when I say lures it doesn't seem like Judah required much luring to "go into" someone he found attractive!--see for yourself in Genesis 38!) Later it is revealed to Judah that it was Tamar who pretended to be a prostitute and now she is pregnant--yes with the very same Zerah and Perez from Matthew 1!
Even by today's standards of very loose sexual morals this is one twisted story! (ps The Bible is full of them!) And that doesn't mean the actions are affirmed--but it just shows how God even works in the most twisted and messed up circumstances that we create to bring about restoration and redemption!
God is not scared to work within the messiness...even the corruption of our lives! He does not approve of it, nor condone it ---and yet...and this is what is so AMAZING about the GOSPEL--He works with and within it to bring about redemption and purity!
From Judah...and his incestuous relation with his daughter-in-law who pretended to be a prostitute--the CHRIST, the Saviour of humanity descends! God isn't in the business of avoiding the mess or pretending it doesn't exist. So don't be scared of bringing it too Him -- He is not turned off by your mess -- He longs to enter in, and bring healing, produce good and redeem all that is corrupt and broken so that it will be all for His Glory! This is exactly what Jesus came into the world to do, and it is exactly what he offers to do in all of our lives through His Spirit.
If that is not GOOD NEWS, I don't know what is!
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