Monday, November 7, 2016

Live a Questionable Life

This past Sunday our church family heard a few stories of people who are seeking to "take Jesus' abundant life" to their world -- through friendships, workplaces and community involvement.

I loved these stories because they were full of "common everyday ways" that the life of Jesus can be shared.  They all gave tangible, easy to do, ways of living a life that shares Jesus' love in natural ways.

One of our story-tellers talked about a few other Christians they talked to who said that their witness in their workplace consisted of "being known as a Christian" and "trusting that people will ask them questions" when/if they want to.

I hear this a lot.  And I get it.  In fact I've heard of some pretty awesome-life-changing encounters because of this exact approach.  But in those cases, it was because something about that persons life, actions and way of functioning was peculiar enough to beg a question as to WHY!

So the question is "How often ARE people asking you and me about our life, our faith, and why Jesus makes such a difference?"  For most of us -- it seems not all that often.

The problem as I see it is that we as Christians so often live lives that are relatively un-discernible from the lives of those who don't know or follow Jesus--therefore, it's a rarity for anyone to ask a question about our life, faith and Jesus because they see no difference of interest to ask about!

So, if you follow Jesus -- think about what HE SAID following Him means:  loving enemies, blessing those who persecute you, giving to those who take advantage of you, caring for the needy around you in sacrificial ways, being hospitable--especially to those who can't return the favour, giving up pursuing power for embracing humility and weakness, serving as He served, give freely, lay up treasures in heaven--not on earth...(and there is more)

Given that ... should not a Christian's life be questionable?  Whether people will think we are crazy or are inspired by us--both are possible -- but regardless -- our lives should beg people around us to question!


-Buy a gift for someone who you have a strained relationship with.

-Invite someone over for dinner that you know doesn't get out much.

-If you hold a position of power/authority in a workplace -- do something to bless and serve those under you with no strings attached.  (Be generous--even extravagant!)

-Give a financial gift that stretches you.  For example: Do you usually give 10% away -- try give 20% and ask God to bless your giving!  OR if you get a bonus this coming season -- give half of it away and rejoice in doing so because Jesus has blessed you!

Don't be crazy for crazy sake -- But live questionable because you are following and trusting Jesus!