Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Glimpses. Where do you see Jesus?

While I've reflected more on the glimpses that we see of both good and evil in world, I began to wonder where you've seen glimpses of good lately?

I've noticed that Jesus is very active in our world when we look and listen carefully!  He is continually giving us glimpses of the good and the peace that only He can bring.  Often it's in the simplest of things:

I've seen the heart of Jesus through friends of mine who are not only taking note of others less fortunate than themselves, but are going out of their way to bless and build relationships with those who need love and friendship.

I've seen Jesus through a man who works harder and longer hours than most--and yet in the midst of that Jesus is using him to bless and disciple others whom he works with!

I've seen Jesus through answered prayers!  Healing those the doctors said were all but goners!

Daily I see Jesus shared over a lunch or a cup of coffee as I see a variety of people loving others and carrying each others burdens in relationships of trust and love.

Don't miss the Glimpses of Jesus!

Share with us some of the ways that YOU are seeing Jesus at work in our world today!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Bombing and a Walk through the Woods

Today I hiked through the woods holding my wife's hand, with our beautiful baby on my back and I thought to myself, "what an amazing world we live in!"

Today I watched the news of yet another horrific act of human violence and I thought to myself, "what an utterly broken world we live in!"

One day...two drastically different impressions of the world.  One day...two examples of the reality of two drastically different powers at work in our world.

Neither should surprise us; but both should cause the human heart to long for what is good and true!

Jesus said He came to bring life and life to the full--to restore the broken, heal the sick and wounded--and one day He says He is returning to make all things New.  Walking through the forest today was like a glimpse of that which is good and right--this is what Jesus desires all of us to know through Him.

But we cannot ignore the glimpses we have on days like today that cause so many to say "something is terribly wrong with humanity!"  Something really is terribly wrong with this world and with us.  And no matter how hard we try to fix matter how much we long for justice and peace--it remains elusively out of our grasp.  Sin has gotten a hold of the human heart and it is wreaking havoc in our world--sometimes the glimpses are so clear that we can't ignore; but sin is always there--all one has to do is look honestly at their own heart.

Perhaps it's time we acknowledge that the problem is beyond the ability of mankind to solve.  Perhaps it's time that we look to the One who took our sin upon himself, and paid its price for us so that we may be free!

Humanity does not need to be in bondage to Sin any longer--there is a way to be free--the way is Jesus!