Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Loving with Underwear

A gentleman walks into the Roxy this morning and exclaims: "Kellen, I'm not wearing any underwear today!"

When I asked him why that is, he goes on to tell me that the group home he is living in threw them all out, or else someone took them.  It's not by choice that this man is going around commando in the midst of a breezy day and it is a sad example of what many around us are going without, while so many of us live in excess.  But more than that--it's a great example of how easy it is for many of us to care for and show love to others around us who are in need.

Very quickly those sitting around me put money on the counter, and I said to my friend that he would not have to go without underwear anymore--we headed to Giant Tiger and picked him up some underwear.

He must have thanked us 10 times over the next 3 minutes for getting him underwear.  He also came back about 20 minutes later to inform us that he put them on and they fit well!  (which is important when it comes to underwear!).

In a previous blog I posted about loving others...on Sunday I challenged people of Crossings to do at least one simple thing to show people around them love this week.

 Maybe it's as simple as underwear...but more likely it's even simpler than that!  Keep your eyes and ears open--there are opportunities all around us to love others, and so display the love of Jesus to our world!  Don't over-complicate what it can mean to love another!

I'd love to hear your stories--how is God using you to love others this week?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

WHAT IF? Love that changes things...

"Let love be genuine...outdo one another is showing honour."  (Rom 12:9a, 10b)

What if you did this?  

Imagine a community of people who all loved each other genuinely--without fakeness and pretense.
Imagine a community where each person was trying to be better then the next in the kind of love and honor that they were showing to another!
I don't know about you--but I would love to be a part of a community like that!

What if you decided to begin to do this?

As long as human beings are involved in a community on this earth it will never be perfect.  Even today I sat with a woman who shared the pain of words said by others who ought to love her that instead tore her down and judged her for past sins in her life.  Yes, this was within the church community.  It makes me sick.

But I have hope.  I have hope when I consider Jesus and how He loves us.  I have hope because we are told that the life (and therefore the love of Jesus) dwells in His followers.

And this is how Jesus loves:  He loved us before we ever loved Him--in fact He loved us even when we were still sinners and far from perfect.  He loves us still even when we mess up--when we are faithless He is always faithful!  He bears with us in our weakness, He strengthens us by His grace--He has sacrificed all for our good because of LOVE.

What if you let Jesus' love take over more and more everyday?  What if when you feel like judging you stop and ask Jesus' love to pour through you?  What if when you feel like looking down on another--you think of Jesus and instead serve the other with honor just as Jesus served you?

WHAT IF?  I desperately want to see Jesus' love overtake my own life more and more.  I want to be a part of a church community...that though we are not perfect...will let the love of Jesus control us and move us forward day by day.

What about you?  

Saturday, October 19, 2013

CONCEALED --def. to keep from being seen, found or observed.

Have you ever been reading something in a public place and when someone walks up to you for some reason you feel the need to slyly hide the title of the book or the article you were reading?

For instance--it's not a big secret that I love the Anne of Green Gable books (go ahead and laugh, but it's true and I don't care!)  And yet, even as I post that here, I can remember times when I was reading that book at a coffee shop and I held it very strategically so that people around me would not be able to see that I was reading Anne of Green Gables.  I concealed my love for Anne!

While concealing my love for Anne of Green Gables is one thing--I've been contemplating a more disturbing concealment I find myself making at times--that is, my faith in Jesus.

Before you judge me---have you ever been there?

Perhaps there is an opportunity in a conversation to very plainly speak about your love for Jesus, and you stumble on your words and your faith comes out as one of the most awkward sounding things in the world?  What's up with that?

Or perhaps your reading your Bible or a Christian book of some sort and as someone walks up you calmly flip it over so as to conceal what you are reading--without making it so obvious that they will ask what your hiding of course!   Isn't that a little weird?

Or maybe, your a pastor and you'd rather people know your a barista than a pastor.  Ok, maybe this one is unique to me.

I used to (as in up until this day) excuse these types of "concealments" by saying things like:
 "I don't want my faith to make others feel uncomfortable."  (But maybe they are more uncomfortable with how awkwardly we try to speak about who Jesus is to us instead?!)
"I don't want people to think I'm some religious nut who brings my Bible everywhere!"  (But why not?  yeah I get we are sensitive over the whole "religion" thing these days--and I've been with the rest of you hip Christians who say--"I'm not religious and neither was Jesus!" --But maybe it's time we stop fighting against the word religious (which by the way can simply mean "having or showing belief in and reverence for God" according to The Free Dictionary---well that is not so bad of thing now is it?) and embrace the fact that to follow Jesus means we will be misunderstood and seen as strange by many in the world.
"I don't want to create barriers by having people immediately think of me as a pastor" ---ok, I still think there is some merit to this, BUT---again I need to be less concerned about that label and instead model what a pastor (and follower of Jesus) should really be.

I have far too often concealed Jesus.  And when I type it like that it makes me feel sick.  I have confessed, and preached of a Life Abundant and a love that cannot be matched by anything else--and yet so often I have concealed Jesus as if somehow people are better off just seeing "me".  How foolish!

Now you probably won't see me put a Jesus Fish on my car.  Nor will you see me wearing the latest Jesus t-shirt, nor am I going to buy a "ministers collar".  And you probably won't even see me on the corner pushing tracts and Bibles into every passer-by's hands.

BUT -- I will make it my aim and my goal that Jesus always be the most recognizable thing about me.  If nothing else when people see me, I hope they will see the love that I have for Jesus because I am one who is incomparably loved by Him!
 Those who know me--I invite you to hold me to this--and I invite you to join me in making Jesus the most obvious thing about our lives!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Is there a real connection?

I read an interesting article today.  In this article there was a quote from someone who described themselves as an atheist, but she had explored faith at one point and particularly Christianity.  One of the main reasons she gave for rejecting Christianity was this:

"The connection between Jesus and a persons life was not clear."

I want to hear from you, whether you are a Christian, an atheist or of some other belief.
My question is simply this:

From your understanding of Jesus--What do you think the connection between Jesus and a persons everyday life is?  How would that be manifested in a persons life?

If you'd like to go a little further and make if more personal, I'd love to hear of your own experience and observations.

If you call yourself a Christian--When you honestly think about this question, is your faith in Jesus more of a religious addition to your life or is Jesus changing your everyday experience?  What are the struggles you experience in this; what are the real life changes you are experiencing?

If you are not a Christian-- If it was evident that a belief in Jesus really changed a persons everyday life, would your view of the Christian faith change at all? (I'm not saying you'd necessarily convert ;) )   Have you seen examples of this (good or bad...)?

Leave a comment for all to see...or if that is not your thing send me a personal message.  I'd love to hear your thoughts around this.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Leave a bit behind

Lev 19:9 --"do not reap to the very edges of the field..."

Verses like this too often get dismissed as simply not relevant for us who live in 2013.  However as I have been thinking a lot the last little while about the Rhythms of work and rest this verse is becoming more and more relevant to me.

The heart behind this command by God is that He wants to make sure that the poor and needy of the land are taken care of.  So he tells the people--leave some things behind; don't take everything for yourself.

In a world that tells us to "get all you can for yourself" this is a life-altering idea.  It is telling us that God desires that we NOT get all that we can for ourselves so that others are taken care of and He is glorified!

The question is--what does it look like to leave a bit behind today?  That's a question each must answer for themselves....but here is an example:

 What might it look like for a business owner to "leave a bit behind"?

Would it mean working a few less hours a week in order to give back to the community by volunteering?
Or maybe it would mean taking a bit less profit for himself by making it a rule that his business gives away a percentage of all the profit they take in?
Sound crazy?  Maybe it is, but imagine how awesome it would be if Christian businesses started setting such an example!

So my question for you is how can YOU leave a bit behind?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

There IS Healing ... There IS Justice

Many tears have been shed over the last 24 hours for the Bosma family by 1000's of people--many who don't even know them personally.  The pain is deep and real; though for many of us our pain is only a minuscule fraction of the pain that those closest to Tim must be feeling.

In the midst of these tears I know many of you, like me, have also had a deep longing for justice -- perhaps struggling with the fact that this all seems so unjust at the moment.

Last post I asked you to pray -- even if you didn't feel like it.  I ask you to continue.  As you do I also want us to remember that there IS HEALING, and there IS JUSTICE.  We do not hope and pray in vain.

As you pray let me leave you with some portions of from Revelation 21 & 22 which I have been finding helpful as I have been praying...Use these Scriptures to reflect and pray:

21:3-5 -- "I heard a loud voice from the throne saying: 'Look! God's dwelling is with men, and He will live with them.  They will be His people and God Himself will be with them...He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.  Death will exist no longer; grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer, because the previous things have passed away.'  Then the One seated on the throne said, 'Look!  I am making everything new.'  He also said, 'Write, because these words are faithful and true!'"

--Read this over for yourself a few times and then pray!

  • Today we have the Spirit of God dwelling within us -- yet we still live in a world tortured by sin and evil.  But we have a promise:  God will make His dwelling with His people!  
    • Know as you pray that Tim is in the dwelling of his Heavenly Father!  Pray that this fact would be a comfort to his wife and family!
  • Notice God will personally wipe our tears from our eyes!  Today we weep, there is pain, and grief over a tragic loss.  But one day -- none of these will exist!  God Himself will make sure of it--He promises that His words are "faithful and true"!
    • Thank God for His mercy and love!  Pray for a Divine foretaste of this comfort to come to the Bosma family even today!
21:7-8 -- "he who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son!  But for the cowardly and unbelieveing and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire..."

  • There are two promises here -- GRACE & JUSTICE
    • Pray knowing that Tim has inherited eternal life in Jesus Christ!  Praise God!  
    • Pray knowing that God is just.  
      • Again I will ask you to pray a difficult prayer -- pray that even those who ended Tim's life would come to know the GRACE of God -- for without it their is no hope!
In Revelation 22 it speaks of the River of Life flowing from the Throne of God and the Lamb -- this river feeds the Tree of Life that produces fruit and leaves for the healing of nations!  (Rev 22:1-2)

  • Again this complete healing will only come when Jesus returns to make all things new -- there are wounds that will leave deep scars for the rest of our earthly lives --yet even so there is healing and comfort today, with the promise that healing will be complete when all is made new. 
    • Pray that healing would come to the Bosma family.  Pray that though wounds will surely remain--they can move forward in the hope and assurance that Tim is in the presence of His Heavenly Father and one day they will join him there.
Thanks for joining me in praying for this family!  I also know many of you are reaching out in other ways as well -- Please feel free to link any of those initiatives that you are aware of so that we all can reach out and care for the Bosma family in whatever way that we can.  

(I have put some info on donating to the family in the comment section)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

No easy answers to tragedy like this...

Like many of you, my heart is heavy, and my head is swirling with thoughts of sorrow, anger and many other things upon hearing the news of Tim Bosma's death --- I cannot even imagine the pain of his family!

Here are some thoughts that I hope will help us all work through some of these thoughts and feelings...

Upon hearing the news that Tim Bosma has been found dead a friend of mine posted the following on her facebook status:  (I have left explicit wording for it conveys the raw emotion)

"why the fuck would I want to live in a world where people feel justified killing a guy for his truck."

I gotta be honest that my heart resonates with her sentiment.  My heart breaks for the Bosma family, and in my gut a rage bubbles--longing to lash out and condemn.  But a still small voice within whispers --"Lord have mercy"

The words of Jesus ring as clear as bells in my mind -- "pray for those who persecute..."  (Matthew 5:44)
And the words of Paul in Romans 12 --"bless and do not curse...weep with those who weep...never pay back evil for evil...never take your own revenge...leave room for the wrath of God."

Everything in my flesh wants to do the opposite of the words of Jesus and Paul.  And if this world was all that I lived for then I think I would go with the desires of my flesh in this case.  But there is hidden truth in the status of my friends facebook post -- We are not meant for THIS world.

We are not meant for a world where the life of a young husband and father is robbed of him by others.
We are not meant for a world where "stuff" somehow has become of more worth to some than human life.
We are not meant for a world ruled by sin, sickness, tragedy and death.

But here is the thing---WE ARE IN THIS WORLD.  So what do we do?
Throw up our hands and give up?
 Rage and lash out repaying evil with evil?
 Or is there redemption to be had?  Is there peace?  Is there healing?  Can we be people of redemption and healing even in the face of such senseless violence and evil?

Here is the thing to remember -- Jesus came INTO THIS WORLD for the very purpose of redeeming it.  He did not abandon this world to its sin and decay.  He did not simply judge and repay all the evil we deserved.  Instead He came here to rescue us from the sin that has taken hold of all of us.  He did this not with the power of a warrior or an avenger -- He did it with the love and mercy of a sacrificial lover--He gave up Himself to bring life and healing to our messed up, broken and sinful world.  We need His love to guide our response to things such as this...

In the face of such events "pat answers" don't do us much good.  We need to wrestle, we need to be honest, we need to cope with all the feelings and thoughts that are swirling in our heads and hearts.  But as you wrestle I encourage you to pray; even if you don't feel at all like praying.
 There are a few things in particular to pray for:

--Pray for the Bosma family
--Pray for Jesus to give you peace through His Spirit
--Pray for mercy for the killers ---yes I mean this---and yes I know this is hard--Let the Holy Spirit soften your heart--as you pray trust that God is just and He will deal with the sin of this world better than we ever can.

Father in Heaven wrap your arms of love around Tim Bosma's little girl today!
Holy Spirit comfort and sustain Tim's dear wife and family!
Jesus give us hearts that break like yours -- I confess this does not come naturally -- Have mercy on this world.  Even on those who carried out this act -- Lord have mercy, may they know the grace and redemption that only you can give.
Lord as we all wrestle with living in a world that has gone so off the rails in so many ways-- show us Your way -- may those who follow Jesus show this world your Grace and Truth.  Bring healing in Jesus Name.  Amen.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Working for God no matter what your job

Have you ever had a thought similar to this:

"I'd love to 'work for God' BUT my job/career just keeps me too busy!"  (I have -- and you might think that's weird coming from a pastor--but it's true!)

This is a struggle (and a valid one) that I think many Christians have.  But I have good news--No matter what you might do as a job--whether you're a garbage man, a CEO, a pastor, a factory worker, a burger flipper, a community volunteer, a mom, etc etc you CAN and SHOULD be working for God everyday!

John 6:28-29 
"They asked Jesus--'what must we do to be doing the work of God?'  
Jesus answered them--'this is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.'"

Notice that Jesus doesn't call for a career change -- he calls for a heart change.  When Jesus says "believe" we need to understand that to believe in Jesus as the one "whom God sent" WILL have life transforming consequences to who we are, and to who runs our life.  To believe in Jesus is to admit your life is not your own but His -- it's to hand over the reins of your life to Jesus.

9 chapters later Jesus speaks of the importance of ABIDING in Him.  This really is at the root of it all.

If we believe and abide in Jesus as Lord of our lives--he will come and sanctify, transform and use every aspect of our lives that we give Him access to in order to "do the work of God"!

Anyone -- including me who is a pastor -- can work and live our lives in such a way that has little eternal impact if we simply try to live and work on our own strength and keep our belief in Jesus for our "private times".


God wants to use the burger flipper, the mom, the CEO, the manager, the salesman, the volunteer...and even the pastor to "do the work of God" --But that is only possible if we truly BELIEVE and ABIDE in Jesus!  Everything must flow from Him being our source daily!

Questions -- I'd love to hear from you!
Do you view your job/career as a place to "do the work of God"?  Why or why not?   
Share a story of how God has used you in the places he has put you to do "His work".

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Glimpses. Where do you see Jesus?

While I've reflected more on the glimpses that we see of both good and evil in world, I began to wonder where you've seen glimpses of good lately?

I've noticed that Jesus is very active in our world when we look and listen carefully!  He is continually giving us glimpses of the good and the peace that only He can bring.  Often it's in the simplest of things:

I've seen the heart of Jesus through friends of mine who are not only taking note of others less fortunate than themselves, but are going out of their way to bless and build relationships with those who need love and friendship.

I've seen Jesus through a man who works harder and longer hours than most--and yet in the midst of that Jesus is using him to bless and disciple others whom he works with!

I've seen Jesus through answered prayers!  Healing those the doctors said were all but goners!

Daily I see Jesus shared over a lunch or a cup of coffee as I see a variety of people loving others and carrying each others burdens in relationships of trust and love.

Don't miss the Glimpses of Jesus!

Share with us some of the ways that YOU are seeing Jesus at work in our world today!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Bombing and a Walk through the Woods

Today I hiked through the woods holding my wife's hand, with our beautiful baby on my back and I thought to myself, "what an amazing world we live in!"

Today I watched the news of yet another horrific act of human violence and I thought to myself, "what an utterly broken world we live in!"

One day...two drastically different impressions of the world.  One day...two examples of the reality of two drastically different powers at work in our world.

Neither should surprise us; but both should cause the human heart to long for what is good and true!

Jesus said He came to bring life and life to the full--to restore the broken, heal the sick and wounded--and one day He says He is returning to make all things New.  Walking through the forest today was like a glimpse of that which is good and right--this is what Jesus desires all of us to know through Him.

But we cannot ignore the glimpses we have on days like today that cause so many to say "something is terribly wrong with humanity!"  Something really is terribly wrong with this world and with us.  And no matter how hard we try to fix matter how much we long for justice and peace--it remains elusively out of our grasp.  Sin has gotten a hold of the human heart and it is wreaking havoc in our world--sometimes the glimpses are so clear that we can't ignore; but sin is always there--all one has to do is look honestly at their own heart.

Perhaps it's time we acknowledge that the problem is beyond the ability of mankind to solve.  Perhaps it's time that we look to the One who took our sin upon himself, and paid its price for us so that we may be free!

Humanity does not need to be in bondage to Sin any longer--there is a way to be free--the way is Jesus!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

An Easter Poem

This is a "poem" that I wrote my Freshman year of college (Feb 10, 2002).  


Blood drips down, I can almost feel it pool at my feet.
I'm scared to look up, because I know the blood is not from me.
I know it should be.
A quick glance up I see Your feet.
Painfully nailed to the blood soaked tree.
Tears begin to form; I know your feet are pierced for me.
I raise my head a bit more,
all I feel is shame as I see Your wounded side.
Fresh blood still flowing out.
I look away just to see your pierced hands.
Hands that once healed, comforted so lovingly.
Now nailed to the tree.
I'm scared to look at Your face
Scared to see the pain caused by me.
Somehow I bring my gaze to Your eyes.
A tear rolls down Your cheek,
mixing with the blood pouring from your brow.
I see you struggle for breath as you smile,
all you can manage is:
"I love you my child."
Tears fill my eyes
I cover my face and bury my head.
How could I do this to You?
All I can do is fall down
I kneel and weep on the blood soaked ground
Feeling so much remorse, so much sorrow.
I fall still and silent
I lay so scared.
Finally I look up, I see the cross is bare
Blood soaked wood is all that remains
I feel a hand on me,
it pulls me up, it's You
You look me in my tear filled eyes, smile and say:
"I love you my child!"

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lessons from Adelaide

It's amazing what a 3 month old can teach you when you pay attention!

Adelaide and I often have "Daddy and Addie time" early in the morning before Mummy gets up.  Usually while I am downstairs eating breakfast and spending time reading and praying I hear Addie start to stir upstairs so I will go and get her and she will join me for the last part of my time with God.

The other day as I was reflecting and praying while holding Addie on my lap.  I was holding a toy in front of her that she began to swat at, and attempt to bring to her face to suck on.  This is a new thing for her, so she wasn't all that successful at first--but she kept trying, sometimes getting a hold of it, sometimes missing completely--all the while smiling and looking quite excited about the whole thing.

I started thinking how much that is like being a disciple and follower of Jesus.  It's an exciting journey--but it's one that we don't always get right--sometimes we "get a hold of it", other times we "miss completely"--but what a joy following Jesus can be!

However, as I had this thought--Addie grew tired trying to get her toy--frustration was finally setting in.  And soon she stopped striving and instead just tucked herself into my chest and relaxed.

And it hit me again--isn't THAT just like discipleship too.  Sometimes it's hard and frustrating--while it can be exciting and fun, there are times of growing weary and tired--times when we just need to cuddle up into the shadow of our Father's arms.

Being a disciple of Jesus is a journey, not a destination--it's a journey full of success and failure--it's exciting and frustrating all at the same time.  It's a journey that requires others who will encourage, challenge and support.

Ultimately, it's a journey of LOVE -- Addie can be successful, missing the mark, or just needing to come and rest in my arms--it's all part of the journey, and I love being on it with her.  Discipleship should be the same.

If you aren't on the journey with others of learning how to follow Jesus, I'd encourage you to find a few to start intentionally journeying with--you won't regret it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Churches & Money -- How should they spend it?

This is something I'd love to hear your thoughts on--How should local churches spend the money they receive?

As I've been reading in the OT and in the Gospels the last number of months, it again becomes so obvious that God requires that His people give Him the best of what they have.  In money, sacrifices etc.  It also is obvious that as God's people it is expected that we are to care for the poor and the needy.

These are not new ideas to me--and they are ones I have grappled with regarding how I spend my money personally.  However, there is a growing sense within me that local churches often do not handle money in the way they should.  What do you think?  Please take a moment and answer a few of these questions:

What should be the top priority for local churches in regards to what they spend money on?
   --for example: salaries, buildings, the poor, missions work, evangelism, admin....other?

What would you like to see your local church do better in regards to how they communicate about what they spend money on?
   --for example:  discuss the budget with the congregation more; have "the numbers" available more easily...etc

Would how a local church spends money effect how you gave of your own money?

Should a church "tithe" (give 10% off the top) to another Christian community or church?

Is there a specific cause or organization that YOU would love to see your church give to?  Why?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Being a Dad and my view of God

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray he told them to begin with:

"Our Father..."

What an amazing way to be able to address the Creator of the universe.  One who is Holy beyond our comprehension!  Think about  that!

I've only been a Dad for less than 3 months as I write this--yet the experience already has given me insight into the Fatherhood of God that I had never known before other than perhaps on an intellectual level.

When Adelaide was only a few days old, I was holding her and just staring at her (it's amazing how long you can just sit and stare at your child!).  But as I sat there I was overwhelmed with the feeling both of love and responsibility.

I remember thinking how easy it would be to die for Adelaide if ever it came to that.  I also remember thinking how desperately I wanted the very best for her...and reflecting and feeling very aware of my short-comings and my inability to accomplish the very best for her!

Then I thought about our Heavenly Father.  He wants the very best for us.  He loved us so much that He willingly gave His only Son to give us the very best.  As the Psalmist says:  "His arm was not shortened"; in other words He is able to accomplish whatever he desires and wills.

His desire is that we would know Him; for He IS the very best.  He has no shortcomings; He not only saves us from Sin, but invites us to know Him with the intimacy of a child knowing their Father!

If you ever wondered about God's love for you--be assured that His love is unending, His desire is that you would have the very best through His Son!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Bad Image?

"...tell John what you hear and see..."
(Matt 11:4b)

This was Jesus' response when John's disciples came to Jesus on behalf of John to ask if He indeed is the Messiah--the Saviour of the world.

If our world is looking...listening...waiting for someone or something to rescue them from the chaos that surrounds them will they be able to see and hear Jesus through US?

I often hear Christians complain about how difficult it is for the church to be relevant to our culture.  I don't buy it!  The gospel of Jesus is the most relevant possible thing that could be presented to people today!

Perhaps our problem...and why we lack relevancy is because Jesus is no longer visible or noticeable in the everyday lives of many who call themselves Christians.  Maybe our world doesn't need to be convinced that the church is relevant by us becoming more like them, or by apologetic arguments--maybe our world simply needs to see and hear something that is unlike anything else they experience in a world full of brokenness, injustice and pursuits that leave us empty.

But the question each Christian and each local church needs to ask themselves is:  What do people see and hear when they look at me/us?

It doesn't need to be complicated--every moment of our lives we make choices either to live and react to things the way the world expects--or to live by the Spirit and display Jesus in the simplest of ways.  

To react with love and forgiveness when hurt by others.
To be patient and kind even when another doesn't "deserve it"
To show compassion, rather than seeking ones own good.
To hold loosely money, possessions and even your own life--for the sake of serving Jesus.
To speak Truth with love--even when others may think you a fool...
The list could go on...What simple changes in your life could you make to display Jesus better?

If you are NOT a follower of Jesus--I would be interested (so we can learn) what you have often seen and heard from people who call themselves Christians?  Has it been positive or negative?