God was willing to "be man" so that we might "be Christ" in this world.
The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us; so that we might have the Word dwell in our flesh as we dwell in this world.
Christmas is a story of great humility, love and sacrifice (God being born to humanity as a baby in the lowest of circumstances)--all so that humanity might know the love of God in Jesus. (through His ultimate sacrifice of giving up His life for us)
Today, followers of Jesus are asked to live lives of humility, love and sacrifice so that this world may continue to know the love of God through Jesus.
However, we get sucked into a celebration of Christmas that largely ignores the purpose of Jesus coming (even though we may "acknowledge Christ-in-Christmas all season long!")--and therefore we miss the purpose of His Spirit-filled-followers remaining on earth.
For followers of Jesus, our lives should be markedly different than the world. This should be reflected in how and why we celebrate Christmas...It is NOT about gifts and food and parties. (Though those are all good thing to be enjoyed, and Jesus surely did!) It is NOT primarily family and friends (though I love family and friends).
A follower of Jesus is called to BRING JESUS into our world. This must mean more than putting up a sign on our lawn, or a button on our coat--it should cost us more than that, for it cost Jesus more than that! Take note of His sacrifice and humility in order to bring the love of God to you. Is your celebration of Christmas (and more importantly your life in general) looking anything like the coming of Jesus into our world?
Enjoy the food, drink, family and friends during these days of rest and celebration -- for there "is a time for all things" and rest and celebration is one of them. But in so doing, don't ignore--and don't fail to live in such a way that truly remembers the One who took on flesh and dwelt among us so that you may be filled with Him, so that His presence would continue in this world!
"...so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves." (2Cor 4:7) (this is why I blog)
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Inspired BY...or Inspired TO...?

There is much to be inspired BY in this world.
Whether it is something you see in nature--a sunset or sunrise, the colours of fall, the intricacy of a snowflake--the list could go on.
Or maybe it's the actions of another: I love reading about or watching stories from WW2 -- there are so many heroic and inspiring stories!
Today I was thinking about what inspires me in other people and I started jotting things down like: "great faith, great sacrifice, unusual love, generosity, dedication, perseverance in trial, boldness in the face of adversity, purity in the midst of corruption..."
As I looked at the things I had listed I asked myself -- "I know I am inspired BY those things, but am I willing to DO those things?"
Honestly, the things I listed all take HARD WORK. It's one things to be inspired BY them...but it's another thing to be inspired TO DO them!
I am too often inspired BY and not inspired TO.
I want to DO the things that inspire me, and perhaps in so doing inspire others--not just to be inspired BY, but to be inspired TO DO likewise.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
ENJOYING God's gifts...
This morning I came to God asking to receive from Him and this is what I "heard" Him say:
(Heavenly Father) --"Receive my child--this gift is for you!"
As I heard this, my initial joy quickly turned to a question:
(my response) 'Father what would You have me do with this gift?'
As I waited to hear a response in my spirit--expecting (even hoping) for some clear task to be shared I heard this:
(Heavenly Father) -- "ENJOY!"
O how I needed to hear that from God today! His gifts are given to His children because He loves them! Though they are useful gifts for the work we have to do they are given to bring us joy, not to place a burden on us.
For example: The gifts I have requested from Meghan the last year or so have been mainly tools of different sorts: A Stihl Chainsaw, a Sliding Compound Mitre Saw, a Table Saw etc.
If these had been given to someone who was not seeking them; and had no work to do with them--they would be burdensome tools--perhaps even creating a pressure to do something with them.
But for me, I had work that I desired to do--but I knew I needed these gifts to do the work well. So receiving these gifts wasn't a burden--it was exciting, and I have enjoyed not only receiving them, but more so, using them!
Moses sang a song to the people of God before he died--and at the beginning of that song He sang of God's teaching coming down "as the rain" and that God's speech may "distill as the dew, like gentle rain upon the tender grass."
We are that grass, we are the land that God's rain is falling upon--through His Word He pours out gifts to His children.
What kind of land will you be?
Will you drink in the rain falling on you--will you enjoy that drink--and produce useful crops?
Will you be land that refuses to drink and produces thorns, and burdens?
(see Hebrew 6:7-8)
Your Father wants you to enjoy the gentle rain of His Word everyday! Remember that next time you open your Bible--say to God "I am hear to receive and enjoy the gifts that you give to me!" And then drink in deep and enjoy!
Stay thirsty my friends! ;-)
(Heavenly Father) --"Receive my child--this gift is for you!"
As I heard this, my initial joy quickly turned to a question:
(my response) 'Father what would You have me do with this gift?'
As I waited to hear a response in my spirit--expecting (even hoping) for some clear task to be shared I heard this:
(Heavenly Father) -- "ENJOY!"
O how I needed to hear that from God today! His gifts are given to His children because He loves them! Though they are useful gifts for the work we have to do they are given to bring us joy, not to place a burden on us.
For example: The gifts I have requested from Meghan the last year or so have been mainly tools of different sorts: A Stihl Chainsaw, a Sliding Compound Mitre Saw, a Table Saw etc.
If these had been given to someone who was not seeking them; and had no work to do with them--they would be burdensome tools--perhaps even creating a pressure to do something with them.
But for me, I had work that I desired to do--but I knew I needed these gifts to do the work well. So receiving these gifts wasn't a burden--it was exciting, and I have enjoyed not only receiving them, but more so, using them!
Moses sang a song to the people of God before he died--and at the beginning of that song He sang of God's teaching coming down "as the rain" and that God's speech may "distill as the dew, like gentle rain upon the tender grass."
We are that grass, we are the land that God's rain is falling upon--through His Word He pours out gifts to His children.
What kind of land will you be?
Will you drink in the rain falling on you--will you enjoy that drink--and produce useful crops?
Will you be land that refuses to drink and produces thorns, and burdens?
(see Hebrew 6:7-8)
Your Father wants you to enjoy the gentle rain of His Word everyday! Remember that next time you open your Bible--say to God "I am hear to receive and enjoy the gifts that you give to me!" And then drink in deep and enjoy!
Stay thirsty my friends! ;-)
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Walking Around NAKED!
Would you knowingly walk out your door in the morning without any clothes on?
Even the boldest of us probably will answer that question--NO! Putting on clothing is such a natural habit of our morning that most of us can't imagine forgetting to put on clothes and walking into our day without them.
Yet, many of us who love Jesus, walk into our days without Jesus.
In his letter to the Romans Paul says: "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ..." (Rom 13:14)
It's such a simple statement we often just gloss over it without much thought. But what if you made "putting on Jesus" as much of a morning habit as putting on clothes?
What might that look like? -- perhaps you can even combine it with actually getting dressed:
-As you put on a shirt remember: "He has clothed me with garments of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness!" (Isaiah 61:10) You are a new creation, filled and clothed with the very righteousness of Christ! O what an amazing gift! BE who He has created you to BE.
-As you put on your socks or shoes remember: "how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" (Rom 10:15) Commit to being a "bringer of good news" today!
-As you pull your pants up: "Gird up your loins and arise, and speak to them all which I command you. Do not be dismayed before them..." (Jeremiah 1:17) Go into your day with confidence! You have the Spirit of the Living God within you--do not be nervous or afraid to let Him have control of you today!
As you glance in the mirror before leaving the house PRAY: O Father lead me in the train of Your robe, for I am one of the captives that You have set free and are leading to salvation! May I display your glory as plainly today as the clothes I am wearing!
Even the boldest of us probably will answer that question--NO! Putting on clothing is such a natural habit of our morning that most of us can't imagine forgetting to put on clothes and walking into our day without them.
Yet, many of us who love Jesus, walk into our days without Jesus.
In his letter to the Romans Paul says: "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ..." (Rom 13:14)
It's such a simple statement we often just gloss over it without much thought. But what if you made "putting on Jesus" as much of a morning habit as putting on clothes?
What might that look like? -- perhaps you can even combine it with actually getting dressed:
-As you put on a shirt remember: "He has clothed me with garments of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness!" (Isaiah 61:10) You are a new creation, filled and clothed with the very righteousness of Christ! O what an amazing gift! BE who He has created you to BE.
-As you put on your socks or shoes remember: "how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" (Rom 10:15) Commit to being a "bringer of good news" today!
-As you pull your pants up: "Gird up your loins and arise, and speak to them all which I command you. Do not be dismayed before them..." (Jeremiah 1:17) Go into your day with confidence! You have the Spirit of the Living God within you--do not be nervous or afraid to let Him have control of you today!
As you glance in the mirror before leaving the house PRAY: O Father lead me in the train of Your robe, for I am one of the captives that You have set free and are leading to salvation! May I display your glory as plainly today as the clothes I am wearing!
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
What if you obeyed this one simple instruction?

(Romans 13:9)
We have all heard some version of this verse before...but what if we really started to obey what it says?
What if I approached every person today and asked myself: "How can I best show them love right now--what would make me feel loved?"
And what if I asked this not only of the ones who I know will love me in return but especially of those who will not? What if I purposely sought to show them love?
How might love change them?
How might loving like this change ME?
To love like this is not for the faint of heart--but if you'd like to try along with me to love others better I'd ask you to consider to start simple: "Who in your life do you see regularly but rarely (if ever) really show them any love? How can you do something simple this week to show them love?"
Friday, September 26, 2014
Instructions for ALL Christian Leaders
The passage below originally was penned as instructions to the King of Israel. But they are not only fitting, but vital instructions to all who are called to lead others within the Body of Christ today.
If you lead others--read this over a few times and consider these words in your own context:
Deuteronomy 17:18-20 (sections)
"...he (the King) must copy for himself this body of instruction on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests."
If you lead others--read this over a few times and consider these words in your own context:
Deuteronomy 17:18-20 (sections)
"...he (the King) must copy for himself this body of instruction on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests."
- The instruction he copied for himself was the law of the Lord handed down to Moses for the people. (the Word of God!)
- When is the last time you wrote out scripture for yourself?
"He must always keep that copy with him and read it daily as long as he lives..."
- read it daily as long as he lives...Do you daily seek the Living Word of God through reading Scripture? Why should you?...read on...
"This regular reading will prevent him from becoming proud and acting as if he is above his fellow citizens."
- Remember that Christ said that we are to be "servants of all"! This is how you are to lead!
- Have you become proud in your position? Take time to humble yourself before Jesus and remember he told us to serve just as He served us!
"It will prevent him from turning away from these commands in the smallest way."
- Jesus said all these commands hang on the one command to LOVE. So Paul in Romans 13 says if we love our neighbour we will do no wrong and therefore love is the fulfilling of the law!
- But how do we love when someone wrongs us, or hurts us or simply seems unlovable? By daily letting the word of God speak to us, and dwell in us! As the Psalmist says -- it will be "a light to our path and a lamp to our feet" step by step.
- Have you excused "small things" in your life that you need to confess? (Small things always grow to bigger problems if left untreated!)
How do you view "daily devotions"? Do you see it as a duty you ought to fulfill, or do you see it as an opportunity to come and hear the voice of Jesus? (the Living Word)
If you lead others--it is vital that you lead out of what Jesus provides through His Word or else who are any of us to presume to lead another?
Next time you open your Bible -- Ask Jesus to speak to you personally through His Spirit; enjoy your time with Him!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Do you ever just sit still?
I've returned to an old discipline that I have gotten away from--regular stillness and silence to focus on God. I'm trying to begin most days with at least 10 minutes of silent meditation (and work up from there)
It's been hard...Here are some reflections that I journaled after a "restless" time of silence today:
Only 10 minutes of silence
keenly aware of my shallow breath, tightness.
O Lord breathe deeply into me!
My mind strays; like a ticking clock it never stops.
I want to press pause--freeze time with just You.
Traffic rumbles on below,
even our small little town moves at a pace which leaves their hearts in a blur.
O receive--Please stop long enough to see!
It is not just the smell of roses we miss with our frantic pace
The very aroma of Christ hangs in the air.
We breathe too shallowly, panting for breath as we increase our pace.
The lover of our soul waits.
Our souls dry up like a worn out set of lungs
We have suffocated ourselves.
Will we not see the insanity of our striving?
Meaningless! Vanity of vanities!
We parade ourselves through life...but for whom?
Who do we assume is our audience?
It seems we are our own.
But Another watches with great interest
Leaning in to catch every moment of our frenetic dance.
He weeps--yet He does not recoil.
He loves--ever reaching for us.
He invites us to dance.
A dance He leads and we follow
He gives, we receive
He loves, we accept and are blessed.
He holds out His hand
The music of an eternal song already plays--a new song! A new Rhythm!
But for now it seems faint, hidden beneath the din of our own frantic pace.
To hear we must STOP.
Softly the music is heard,but not in your ears
It arises from deep within our soul.
Deep cries out to deep. Love is welling up.
His hand is in front of you
He invites you to join His dance
He will keep the rhythm, He will tune your heart to His ways.
Please slow down, breathe deep, take His hand, and let His rhythm take over!
It's been hard...Here are some reflections that I journaled after a "restless" time of silence today:
Only 10 minutes of silence
keenly aware of my shallow breath, tightness.
O Lord breathe deeply into me!
My mind strays; like a ticking clock it never stops.
I want to press pause--freeze time with just You.
Traffic rumbles on below,
even our small little town moves at a pace which leaves their hearts in a blur.
O receive--Please stop long enough to see!
It is not just the smell of roses we miss with our frantic pace
The very aroma of Christ hangs in the air.
We breathe too shallowly, panting for breath as we increase our pace.
The lover of our soul waits.
Our souls dry up like a worn out set of lungs
We have suffocated ourselves.
Will we not see the insanity of our striving?
Meaningless! Vanity of vanities!
We parade ourselves through life...but for whom?
Who do we assume is our audience?
It seems we are our own.
But Another watches with great interest
Leaning in to catch every moment of our frenetic dance.
He weeps--yet He does not recoil.
He loves--ever reaching for us.
He invites us to dance.
A dance He leads and we follow
He gives, we receive
He loves, we accept and are blessed.
He holds out His hand
The music of an eternal song already plays--a new song! A new Rhythm!
But for now it seems faint, hidden beneath the din of our own frantic pace.
To hear we must STOP.
Softly the music is heard,but not in your ears
It arises from deep within our soul.
Deep cries out to deep. Love is welling up.
His hand is in front of you
He invites you to join His dance
He will keep the rhythm, He will tune your heart to His ways.
Please slow down, breathe deep, take His hand, and let His rhythm take over!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Mental Illness and Answered Prayer
I have the privilege of being a pastor of a church community in which many struggle with serious mental illness. I have the further privilege of getting to know these folks in such a way that I call them friends. Over the last 7 years my heart has ached many times as I've listened to their stories and the struggles they face in daily life because of their psychosis, schizophrenia or bi-polar etc etc.
As a pastor, I began asking myself and others the question, "what does it look like for someone with such severe mental illness to be a disciple of Jesus?" I still don't have a perfect answer to that.
But, what I have been doing, and asking our elders, and others to do is PRAY. Specifically to pray that those with mental illness would know Jesus, and hear from Jesus in a way that surpasses their mental issues. That "deep would cry to deep", and the Spirit of the Father would cry out deep within those whose minds do not allow them the same privilege of thought that you and I have.
It is amazing to see God answering these prayers.
One example came this weekend. A woman from one of the group homes in town shared a vision that she had. She explained that in the vision she was in a forest and she felt confused, and "awkward". But then she saw that Jesus was in the forest with her and she explained that even though she still felt confused she had a calmness and peace come over her.
As I listened, it was like she was explaining a picture that described her life. Though I am not sure exactly what her illness is, she has some severe deficiencies when it comes to her mental capabilities. She can be a bit awkward, and easily gets confused (yet she is one of the most bubbly and beautiful people you'll ever meet!). She is not someone who will be able to explain to you the gospel in terms that many of us are taught. She can't quote a bunch of scripture, she probably doesn't even know what a disciple is--yet, she is one. Of that I am confident. Jesus is with her, guiding her, giving her peace and assuring her that she is a child of God.
I have learned over the years that many who can give all the right answers often are not much in the way of a disciple of Jesus--yet many who are simple and cannot give the "right answers" have a deep relationship with Jesus that is as beautiful as it is simple.
As a pastor, I began asking myself and others the question, "what does it look like for someone with such severe mental illness to be a disciple of Jesus?" I still don't have a perfect answer to that.
But, what I have been doing, and asking our elders, and others to do is PRAY. Specifically to pray that those with mental illness would know Jesus, and hear from Jesus in a way that surpasses their mental issues. That "deep would cry to deep", and the Spirit of the Father would cry out deep within those whose minds do not allow them the same privilege of thought that you and I have.
It is amazing to see God answering these prayers.
One example came this weekend. A woman from one of the group homes in town shared a vision that she had. She explained that in the vision she was in a forest and she felt confused, and "awkward". But then she saw that Jesus was in the forest with her and she explained that even though she still felt confused she had a calmness and peace come over her.
As I listened, it was like she was explaining a picture that described her life. Though I am not sure exactly what her illness is, she has some severe deficiencies when it comes to her mental capabilities. She can be a bit awkward, and easily gets confused (yet she is one of the most bubbly and beautiful people you'll ever meet!). She is not someone who will be able to explain to you the gospel in terms that many of us are taught. She can't quote a bunch of scripture, she probably doesn't even know what a disciple is--yet, she is one. Of that I am confident. Jesus is with her, guiding her, giving her peace and assuring her that she is a child of God.
I have learned over the years that many who can give all the right answers often are not much in the way of a disciple of Jesus--yet many who are simple and cannot give the "right answers" have a deep relationship with Jesus that is as beautiful as it is simple.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
The unpopular topic of SIN
"...Jesus our Lord, who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification."
(Paul's letter to the Romans, Chapter 4, verses 24b-35)
Sin is not something we like to talk about much...especially not our own...but I invite you to take a few moments to ponder our sin and think about Jesus ...
It was our sin that laid Jesus low
Our sin jingled in the bag of silver that bought Judas' betrayal
Our sin flickered in the torches of the garden mob which led Jesus to the High Priest in darkness
Our sin was on the lips of Peter as he denied knowing Jesus
not once
not twice
but utterly and completely, cursing as he distanced himself from Jesus.
Our sin could be heard among the cries of "Crucify! Crucify!"
Our sin added strength to the whip that tore through His flesh
Our sin bore extra thorns on the crown pressing into His brow
Our sin was the hammer that drove the nails through His hands and feet
Our sin suffocated the breath of life from the Giver of Life
Our sin was heavier than the darkness from which Jesus cried:
Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani!
(my God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?)
Alone in the darkness--our sin bore the greatest weight in the darkness of that afternoon.
Our sin was blacker than the darkness of the tomb in which he was laid.
What good could ever come from such an account of our sin? What devastating results sin has wrought!
Yet in the darkness of that tomb, if you listen, you can hear a faint whisper...
"O sin what has happened to thy sting? O death, where is thy victory?"
In the darkness of that tomb New Life began to stir
No tomb could hold back this Life
Death could not hold Him...sin would not have the victory!
Life burst forth...the stone of sin and death rolled back from the tomb.
New Life arose
There is victory...there is Life for all in Jesus
For he took our sin
he took our death which we all will inevitably face
But he proved that death could not hold Him, and it will not hold those who are in Him.
So come to Jesus, receive the Life that He has already claimed for you!
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Abiding and Life in a Forest
Since I was a teenager the idea of abiding in Jesus has been central to my life--yet I still marvel at the paradox of the abiding life. The beauty of grace and obedience working perfectly together is found when we are abiding in Jesus. Without abiding there is no obedience worth speaking of. That is a strange sounding statement--yet profoundly true, and essential for each Christian to learn.
Below is some random snippets of my reflecting on this strange yet beautiful paradigm...How the Life of Jesus comes alive in us when we are still, much like the life of a forest is most noticed and experienced when we stop and are silent. I hope it will cause you to do your own reflecting on this beautiful truth.
Be still my soul
Abide in the quiet presence of Jesus
It is here I find strength
Fix my gaze on the Author
My eyes widen and dance to take Him in
I see everything clearly when my gaze is held by Jesus alone.
As I rest, and I am quiet
The activity of Life grows in me and around me.
How can this be when I am so still?
Like a forest comes alive when I am most still
I'm invited into its life by stopping and letting it live around me
through the rustle of wind in the leaves
the rush of a stream hidden deep within the dense brush
scampering of animals in foliage
whistling of birds perched above me
the vibrations and echos of the woodpecker
the coo of a dove
the chatter of chipmunks
The Forest is Alive!
I am most alive when I am still.
I abide, He bears Life!
(John 15 --read it and do some reflection of your own on what it means to abide in Jesus)
Below is some random snippets of my reflecting on this strange yet beautiful paradigm...How the Life of Jesus comes alive in us when we are still, much like the life of a forest is most noticed and experienced when we stop and are silent. I hope it will cause you to do your own reflecting on this beautiful truth.
Be still my soul
Abide in the quiet presence of Jesus
It is here I find strength
Fix my gaze on the Author
My eyes widen and dance to take Him in
I see everything clearly when my gaze is held by Jesus alone.
As I rest, and I am quiet
The activity of Life grows in me and around me.
How can this be when I am so still?
Like a forest comes alive when I am most still
I'm invited into its life by stopping and letting it live around me
through the rustle of wind in the leaves
the rush of a stream hidden deep within the dense brush
scampering of animals in foliage
whistling of birds perched above me
the vibrations and echos of the woodpecker
the coo of a dove
the chatter of chipmunks
The Forest is Alive!
I am most alive when I am still.
I abide, He bears Life!
(John 15 --read it and do some reflection of your own on what it means to abide in Jesus)
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Find Rest
"In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength." (Isaiah 30:15)
Have you been moving at a pace lately where the "next thing" is already crowding into your present? Have you said (perhaps with a sense of pride) things like: "there just aren't enough hours in the day"! Or "I'm so busy I just don't have time to..."
Why do we feel like it's a good thing to so crowd our lives that we have no time? Do we think it is pleasing to God to not rest, or to so fill every hour that we proclaim that He hasn't given us enough in a day? Do we think our strength found in personal exertion is what God is looking for?
I've fallen into the trap many times of finding my worth and value in keeping busy. But make no mistake, it is a trap.
God is not exalting in your strength and might. He is inviting you to recognize your limits, your weaknesses and to trust in His Spirit.
"Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord!" (Zechariah 4:6)
When is the last time you have stopped and just returned to rest in the presence of the Spirit? I mean really rest--not just squeeze in a moment or two for a prayer or Bible reading.
When is the last time you have just been silent with God--trusting Him to fill you and be your strength?
If it's been a while -- no guilt -- but take some time TODAY, to free yourself from the trap of not resting. Take some time just to soak in a passage of Scripture, to go for a walk in nature, to listen and let God speak and pour into you. This is where we find salvation, He will be your strength!
O weary soul, find rest from your toil and breathe deeply the Life of the Spirit!
Have you been moving at a pace lately where the "next thing" is already crowding into your present? Have you said (perhaps with a sense of pride) things like: "there just aren't enough hours in the day"! Or "I'm so busy I just don't have time to..."
Why do we feel like it's a good thing to so crowd our lives that we have no time? Do we think it is pleasing to God to not rest, or to so fill every hour that we proclaim that He hasn't given us enough in a day? Do we think our strength found in personal exertion is what God is looking for?
I've fallen into the trap many times of finding my worth and value in keeping busy. But make no mistake, it is a trap.
God is not exalting in your strength and might. He is inviting you to recognize your limits, your weaknesses and to trust in His Spirit.
"Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord!" (Zechariah 4:6)
When is the last time you have stopped and just returned to rest in the presence of the Spirit? I mean really rest--not just squeeze in a moment or two for a prayer or Bible reading.
When is the last time you have just been silent with God--trusting Him to fill you and be your strength?
If it's been a while -- no guilt -- but take some time TODAY, to free yourself from the trap of not resting. Take some time just to soak in a passage of Scripture, to go for a walk in nature, to listen and let God speak and pour into you. This is where we find salvation, He will be your strength!
O weary soul, find rest from your toil and breathe deeply the Life of the Spirit!
Monday, February 3, 2014
A Hint of God
There is a verse in Job that each year when I come to it, I just have to pause in order to ponder the incredible statement it is making:
"These are just the beginning of all the He (God) does, merely a whisper of His power. Who, then, can comprehend the thunder of His power?" (Job 26:14)
The "these" this verse refers to is the creation that we observe in the heavens and on the earth. A profound statement about who God is when you consider how little we really know about our own universe or even the earth that we live on.
There are some different numbers out there, but it seems safe to say that humans of only EXPLORED less than 5% of the waters on our own earth. In that 5% we don't yet understand much of what we are seeing and discovering. And there is yet 95% of the waters that we have not even explored! WOW!
If that is the case with the water on our own earth -- imagine how minuscule the amount of the galaxy we live in has been explored -- not to mention the billions of galaxies of our universe!
Are you starting to feel "small" yet? I do.
Yet in the book of Job, which many consider the oldest book of the Bible--and which probably found its setting around 2200-1800 BC--we are told that all of this, which can cause us to stand in such wonder is just a HINT of who God is. WOW!
Look out your window --- or better yet go for a hike today through the snow. Look at the sun beam through the snow covered branches, listen for the birds chirping, stare off into the sky tonight, try count the stars--imagine the wonders this universe holds...and then consider--these are just whispers from God of how great and marvelous He is!
Let His creation turn your attention to Him the Creator -- be silent, listen, for His Spirit is whispering.

The "these" this verse refers to is the creation that we observe in the heavens and on the earth. A profound statement about who God is when you consider how little we really know about our own universe or even the earth that we live on.
There are some different numbers out there, but it seems safe to say that humans of only EXPLORED less than 5% of the waters on our own earth. In that 5% we don't yet understand much of what we are seeing and discovering. And there is yet 95% of the waters that we have not even explored! WOW!
If that is the case with the water on our own earth -- imagine how minuscule the amount of the galaxy we live in has been explored -- not to mention the billions of galaxies of our universe!
Are you starting to feel "small" yet? I do.
Yet in the book of Job, which many consider the oldest book of the Bible--and which probably found its setting around 2200-1800 BC--we are told that all of this, which can cause us to stand in such wonder is just a HINT of who God is. WOW!
Look out your window --- or better yet go for a hike today through the snow. Look at the sun beam through the snow covered branches, listen for the birds chirping, stare off into the sky tonight, try count the stars--imagine the wonders this universe holds...and then consider--these are just whispers from God of how great and marvelous He is!
Let His creation turn your attention to Him the Creator -- be silent, listen, for His Spirit is whispering.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Good Wine, the Cross, the Return

The best wine.
It was not yet His hour
When water from His side & blood from His brow would bring healing to the nations.
For now it was six pitchers of water transformed to the best of drink that caused the disciples to believe.
Soon Jesus would call for all who believe to eat His flesh and drink His blood. No longer six pitchers of water poured out--He spoke of His very Life being given.
The water from His side marked His death, and with its flow our sin began washing away. New Life sprang up wherever that river of Life went--issuing forth from beneath the alter of sacrifice.
But the hour is not yet.
A wedding feast is yet to come for the Bride who will be made ready and the Lamb who was slain.
Water and blood has been poured out.
The best wine is yet to come.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Darkness & Light
John 1:5
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not over come it."
At times the world can seem as if all light has gone out,
only smoldering wicks, and puffs of smoke remain,
bearing witness to light we thought so secure and comforting
swallowed by what now seems an impenetrable gulf of darkness.
We are are smoldering wicks, puffs of smoke magnifying darkness.
In moments of pain, sickness and loss
the gulf somehow seems to grow
In stories of tragedy, abuse and neglect
the darkness seems to cackle...as our wicks smolder, the smoke puffs
Look into the eyes of
the lonely
the broken
the hungry
the left out and forgotten.
DARK...even the smoke has long past.
But look deeper. Deeper into the gulf, penetrate the impenetrable dark with a steady gaze.
you will see a shimmer like a fish turning in a current
a flash, like a lantern swaying deep within a forest.
It grows brighter, stronger...closer to your gaze.
Light begins to illumine dark caverns once thought to be painted the deepest of black
revealing colours of hope & Life jumping forth out of the crevasses long ignored.
The light is like breath of Life to these stale forgotten caves
Darkness flees with the speed of a gale forced wind, the Light ever on its tail
Light is overcoming, ever brighter, richer, fuller.
Darkness will not over come
In the Light there is
Hope, Breath, Healing, Beauty, Redemption and Restoration
In the Light is LIFE.
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not over come it."
At times the world can seem as if all light has gone out,
only smoldering wicks, and puffs of smoke remain,
bearing witness to light we thought so secure and comforting
swallowed by what now seems an impenetrable gulf of darkness.
We are are smoldering wicks, puffs of smoke magnifying darkness.
In moments of pain, sickness and loss
the gulf somehow seems to grow
In stories of tragedy, abuse and neglect
the darkness seems to cackle...as our wicks smolder, the smoke puffs
Look into the eyes of
the lonely
the broken
the hungry
the left out and forgotten.
DARK...even the smoke has long past.
But look deeper. Deeper into the gulf, penetrate the impenetrable dark with a steady gaze.
you will see a shimmer like a fish turning in a current
a flash, like a lantern swaying deep within a forest.
It grows brighter, stronger...closer to your gaze.
Light begins to illumine dark caverns once thought to be painted the deepest of black
revealing colours of hope & Life jumping forth out of the crevasses long ignored.
The light is like breath of Life to these stale forgotten caves
Darkness flees with the speed of a gale forced wind, the Light ever on its tail
Light is overcoming, ever brighter, richer, fuller.
Darkness will not over come
In the Light there is
Hope, Breath, Healing, Beauty, Redemption and Restoration
In the Light is LIFE.
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