Friday, November 9, 2012

I just may be a heretic!

I still clearly remember the plea of my Theology professor when he told us to be very very careful about ever calling someone a Heretic!  I have taken that plea to heart, and remain cautious with my use of this very strong and hurtful word.  Not to say that heresy should not be addressed, or even that one who is clearly heretical should not be labelled such---all I am saying is let's be really careful.

Over the last number of years I've been called a heretic--sometimes straight to my face, sometimes behind my back and other times it's been simply slyly implied.  The thing that I find mind-boggling is for what I have been called a heretic.

Once it was because I quoted an author that someone thought was a heretic.  Simply quoting this author caused the person to walk out of a sermon before he ever heard what I had to say about the quote.  He later stormed back to the building and confronted another pastor (not me to my face) and told him that I was a heretic.  Let me just say--it's not a nice feeling.

More recently, it was implied that I held heretical views because I refused to call a practice called "Lectio Divina" heresy, and thus all who practice and teach it heretics.  (Now let me be clear,  I understand that Lectio Divina has been abused, and obviously is a bit controversial to many).  Yet, to call people heretics over it?  Hmmmmm...perhaps we are using the word too loosely?

I have friends who follow Jesus and love Him dearly who hold some different views on biblical issues than I do.  I disagree with them...sometimes very strongly.  Sometimes these disagreements can cause heated debates to occur.  Many times, these debates don't resolve the difference--and discussion continues to this day.  I have no problem with that.  Dialogue about our different views is healthy.  Labeling one as a heretic in such a case is not helpful.

Now I have other friends who claim a faith of sorts--some who even would label it a Christian faith of some kind.  Yet, they do not believe in fundamental Christian Doctrine of which is clear in Scripture and to which the Church has held and affirmed in our Creeds.  They have heretical views, and thus as one who claim the Christian faith as their own, are heretics.  I have no issue with the word being applied in such a case--when it is clear and undeniably a heretical belief.  But let it be proved by Scripture and not mere opinion.  Let us be very wary of using the label heretic to describe any "disagreement" of theology or doctrine we may have with another Christian.  (And let me be clear as well---I still dearly love these friends, though I think their views are heretical!)

It's no wonder, many in the world just shake their head at the Church and want no part.

"But if you bite and devour one another take care that you are not consumed by one another." (Gal 5:15)


  1. yeah it's definitely a hard thing. many divisions in the body occur over an opinion that one refuses to drop. church politics get in the way of Jesus. and rather than agreeing to disagree, many just want to fight to prove their point even at the cost of their friends and church family. :( I know you are no heretic, Kellen, and anyone who calls you one is not talking about you!

    blessings to you, brother!

  2. Thanks bro! It is sad when we let anything get in the way of Jesus eh?!

  3. Well spoken Kellen. Those were some wise words from both your professor and yourself. Thanks for sharing!

  4. thanks Dan....agreed about the wise words from my professor...It's amazing how quickly our emotions will cause us to label others so quickly without thinking of what we are really saying about them with such a label.


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