Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Abiding and Life in a Forest

Since I was a teenager the idea of abiding in Jesus has been central to my life--yet I still marvel at the paradox of the abiding life.  The beauty of grace and obedience working perfectly together is found when we are abiding in Jesus.  Without abiding there is no obedience worth speaking of.  That is a strange sounding statement--yet profoundly true, and essential for each Christian to learn.

Below is some random snippets of my reflecting on this strange yet beautiful paradigm...How the Life of Jesus comes alive in us when we are still, much like the life of a forest is most noticed and experienced when we stop and are silent. I hope it will cause you to do your own reflecting on this beautiful truth.

Be still my soul
Abide in the quiet presence of Jesus
It is here I find strength

Fix my gaze on the Author
My eyes widen and dance to take Him in
I see everything clearly when my gaze is held by Jesus alone.

As I rest, and I am quiet
The activity of Life grows in me and around me.

How can this be when I am so still?

Like a forest comes alive when I am most still
I'm invited into its life by stopping and letting it live around me
through the rustle of wind in the leaves
the rush of a stream hidden deep within the dense brush
scampering of animals in foliage
whistling of birds perched above me
the vibrations and echos of the woodpecker
the coo of a dove
the chatter of chipmunks
The Forest is Alive!

I am most alive when I am still.
I abide, He bears Life!

(John 15 --read it and do some reflection of your own on what it means to abide in Jesus)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful thoughts, and a great reminder..thanks, Kellen.


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